
And heroin. Don't forget the heroin.

Me too!!
(Although if it were coming from my dad, it would probably say something like "Just don't be stupid, damnit. " I'd also like the matching "Don't bend it (the car) and get your ass home at a reasonable time" keyring. Eloquent he ain't, but my dad is cool as shit. )

Or, if you're my inexplicably southern-sounding brother, "REST'-rnt"/ "REST'-rntr." 2 and 3 syllables, respectively, the last of which are basically just grunts.
(We're from Illinois. Southern Illinois, but Illinois nonetheless.)

Your logic makes sense. The only thing I can think of that makes the "pre" work is that the "written before" is perhaps referring to the MD writing it before you take it to the pharmacy. Maybe?

Hear, hear. I am nearly 6 feet tall, with blue eyes, dark hair, and the aforementioned translucent skin. My family was waaay into geneaology, and was able to trace both my mother and father's family into the 1600's in Chertsey, Surrey. That, with the marrying in of some Polish and Dutch great-greats, means that I am

My best friend and I did this our junior year of high school. It wasn't necessarily planned, more that we realized that a white tee and jeans was wicked easy to rock everyday sans thought or effort. In my case, laziness coupled with a summer spent working in the horse barn of an awesome summer camp where 90+ degree

Also, jockeys. Pound for pound, probably some of the strongest athletes around. Racing thoroughbreds usually balance against the reins when running, so imagine holding up most of a 1/2 ton animal running at +/-30mph while simultaneously holding your ass in the air and balancing on your tiptoes. Now imagine doing that

Wow! Olive looks (and acts) so much like my Lucyface. She's a belly skritch addict, to the extent she does this when I'm sleeping to make sure she gets maximum skritch-age as soon as I'm awake. She's done this pretty much nightly for the past 3 years, and I've gotten so used to her wrapped around my arm at night that