
At the time, I read somewhere that he told the men that their semen was corrupted whereas his was not.

America applaud’s you for your sacrifice, those things go straight to the thighs.

Second for Rules of Engagement. BTW, if you don’t already think Chuck Schumer is Darth Vader, you will.

Then pick him up during any of his frequent visits to town. There was no valid reason to assault the compound.

If you want a book “Armageddon in Waco: Critical Perspectives on the Branch Davidian Conflict” is the gold standard.

The same is true for Ruby Ridge and probably many cults.

If you have Netflix, there’s a great documentary that has it. McVeigh was at the siege selling bumper stickers.

rebranded Spike TV

If they had been keeping tabs on him, it seems they could’ve picked up Koresh at any time. I’m not sure why they waited and chose to go in S.W.A.T. style.

Assaulting a built up area while trying to identify and neutralize only belligerent combatants requires intricate planning and execution. If you aren’t willing to take the time required for this you might as will use artillery to reduce the buildings and at least minimize friendly casualties. It’s horrible math, but

So what the heck is a Paramount Network? Is it a streaming/Internet-TV thing or might I hope to find it as a cable channel?

Its pretty clear what a huge mess the ATF made but I just don’t see any course of action that wouldn’t have led to the same result. Koresh was never going to surrender or let anyone else leave.

I took a class on religion my freshman year of college and read a book called Why Waco as part of it. It’s been a long time, but the part that stuck with me was how insanely the FBI and ATF played into Koresh’s religious vision. In addition to all the tactical and operating mistakes the review and O2 thief mention,

I wonder if they will have a little snippet of Timothy McVeigh being interviewed in Waco about the siege and a post script of what he did in Oklahoma City.

“I have taken on the burden of sex for everyone.”

I love all these Boardwalk actors somehow continuing to find work on the same show/movie. This looks interesting enough, now I just have to wait until it goes online somewhere.

This will be a very interesting show for me. I was stationed at Ft. Hood at the time. Ft. Hood is just down the road a piece from Waco. I was part of a team that advised the FBI and ATF on their deployment, we also advised them on how to conduct their breaches and gain footholds in the compound. The ATF teams did some

I genuinely love it when women get to do things in comedies other than simply look hot or be bitchy or marry the hapless dope of a male lead.  "Bridesmaids" was probably overhyped as some sort of feminist statement, but it is demonstrably true that diverse, interesting roles for funny women are everywhere these days,

Wait…is it the Jews or those freemason/WASP style guys? You conspiracy guys never seem to settle on one.

Wow, that first clip.  You wouldn't think that watching Eva Amurri having sex would be horrible, but there it is.