
If you want something on Alfred the Great, you're gonna love The Last Kingdom!

The blood and gore is humorously excessive enough to make Quentin Tarantino take sit down and take notes.

of how we calmed the tides of war,

You have a point there. By this point in the book series, I'd say Uhtred has saved England atleast six or seven times fighting multiple Scandinavian armies. If Churchill had just airdropped everyone's favourite Saxon pagan into Nazi Germany, WW2 would have ended in weeks, not years.

If you have read the books, you'd think differently. Bernard Cornwell did have a pretty negative experience where Christianity is concerned, but he still tries to best to be impartial. What he does in his books is show what England was like in the 9th century, with a little bit of fictionalization, which means he does

You guessed right. Destiny is all. Or, more appropriately, as the books put it, fate is inexorable.


I'm a bit confused—the reviewer mentions Ford's "war with Arnold". Can someone explain this? What is this referring to? I try to keep my mind open, but I was unaware that Ford was at odds with the park's co-founder.

Haha, exactly what I was saying! I mean, come on, Mrs. Edel, we all know you've got an unsatisfactory marriage to say the least but that's no reason to murder the poor damned fishy!

That happens in every country, not just Germany. Most shows that are based in one country has the characters mocking a certain region and its culture for fun. If you see a show based in Russia, you'll see a Muscovite mocking a Chukchi person, or in a Chinese show, someone mocking a provincial person.

I'm not sure if the original review was saying that the show had subtle homophobia. It might seem so with all that cringeworthy gay Romeo agent plot point… But did anyone else notice how Yvonne stated that sexual diseases was something only gay men got? So I guess that the show was only showing society back then's

Yeah, I think that was what the show was going for. A bit of delicious irony. Alexander, someone who hopes for peace, gets so worked up he starts screaming out a hate-filled speech… Much like Hitler, who was anything but a lover of peace. Lol

Well, sadly, this show is not a rip-off of The Americans, or it would have been The West Germans… This is German television trying to do its own thing and so there will of course be some mistakes in the attempt.