
He had a bunch of kids out of wedlock and stabbed an Asian man in the eye. He ain’t that damn Catholic!

I got my haircut next to him in a barbershop once. When he still had hair. When I still had a hair. It was a good day.

Just say no to Republic stars running for office.

I once saw a shower gel dispenser that looked like a dick screwed to a wall, that you had to milk to get the product. Any attempts of using it for other purposes would end with a pine fresh vagina or other orifice of your choice.

If they really care about women, why not one that can double as a shower-time dildo?

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As an Australian of a certain age, this will always be Eric Bana to me:

Oh you should see it, if not for him the DEFINITELY for Kate McKinnon. She’s the woman who launched 1,000, “Remember that time you kissed a girl on college?” thoughts.

I felt like already he had aged out of his epic hotness, but his legs looked so good in that and I normally don’t pay attention at all. I feel gross now.

Mt wife was “down for it” after seeing Troy (in the theater). It may be the only non-scheduled sex since we’ve been married (16 years). I’m very grateful to Brad Pitt.

THose fucking Hobbit movies. Aidan Turner. what I do for you...(And I started this dumb tradition with my kids where if they have a double feature of a franchise, we go. I saw the first HObbit movie 4 times. And ended up loving Fili much more than Kili. )

The Scarlet Letter for Gary Oldman. But I did get like 5 seconds of his ass so...

Ha! I watched the 90s version of the Three Musketeers for Keifer Sutherland.

This? This.

That was the first R rated movie I saw in the theater. My parents were very strict about movies but I successfully talked my mom into approving my ticket (I was underage) by arguing, “But mom, it’s history! It’s educational!”

Honestly I can’t decide which is more iconic. The fan, or when they fall into the fountain. Or the mattress surfing. Or when she nearly breaks his foot. NO WAIT, make all the boy mooses go ‘wah’. I’m gonna rewatch this tonight.

It also has that fan scene, which is to say: classic.

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Ah, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Come for the Slater (or Costner, or Freeman, etc), stay for the Rickman.

I happily own Shark Attack 3: Megalodon solely because John Barrowman is the lead in it. It is soooooo bad that it has its own cult status as one of the greatest bad movies of all time, with its own infamous story about a certain ad libbed line by John towards the admittedly wooden actress to try to get any reaction

I’m not even ashamed to say that I don’t care what the lead looks like. I care most about the planes, trains, autos, and boats in the movie. If I see a “hot”
vehicle, I’m watching the crap out of that movie. Pepper in some legit sounding Science-y stuff and oh god it’ll probably become my fav movie ever.