
Well, all the problems began when the original Xbox was released together with the Playstation 2, so they couldn’t very well call their next Xbox for Xbox 2 since it would compete with the Playstation 3. Thus they went with Xbox 360 and here we are with names that even I, someone who is very interested in gaming, find

My PS4 Pro sounds like a small airplane.

Hmm... I think it’s spoiled for me. I’ve lived in Japan for many years and can read Japanese, but I’m not as fast as the pace of video demands, so I find myself wanting, even yearning, to pause the video so I can read what they are saying. Even if I don’t pause, any enjoyment is sadly ruined.
Nice song though.

Personally I much prefer shouchou.

I wonder if the update is also coming to the PS4-version. I hope so.

Yeah it really is too bad. I love the look of the game, and I would love to play it! But I simply cannot stand playing an overly difficult shoot-em-up. It’s just so boring.

Fellow Mayo-hater here, can’t stand the stuff. I don’t have similar problems to you though. Living in Sweden and being a mayo-hater is super easy since mayo isn’t widely eaten in Sweden (in fact I can’t remember last time I saw a Swede eat mayo although I’m sure it happens).

Is there anyway for people outside the US to watch this?

This is so cool! My first time arriving in Tokyo was autumn 2007, and I just returned to my country a few months ago, So much changed and I never even realised!

I know what you mean, I used to play lots of online multiplayer, especially FPS and RTS ... Now, I just want to game by myself. I wan’t no interaction with others ;)

Other stuff I’m too old for: LAN-parties, modding, mucking around with the PC-settings to play a PC-game (just let me play on my console plz) and most of

give me a mini-snes (or suufami) and I might bite.

Omg!! Sexy Commando! I had completely forgotten about that one. I used to love it like crazy and would die laughing at every episode. I simply have to track it down again =D

I don’t really mind the difficulty. I only bought it like 2 weeks ago and I’ve been quite busy, but I’ve still managed to beat 3 bosses. I mean you can basically try as many times as you like so it’s not that hard.

I’m not really interested in any of these games either, except for a somewhat tepid interest in Xcom 2. But I can hardly wait for the Dark Souls 3 DLC!!! >:D

Ooooh I remember this game. I was so stoked to play it and I got to see the intro cinematic (which I thought was pretty spectacular at the time), but unfortunately after that the game would freeze and I never got to play it. I remember being quite disappointed by that =/

“If you’re not watching this on a 4k-screen, find one and come back” - So in his world 4k-screens are just something you easily find lying around. Well if he doesn’t want me to watch this on my crappy 1080p-screen then ok, I wont.

“It’ll be free to download with a set purchase price”

My favorite rewatchable animes

The same for me. I played it for some 20 hours before realizing that I did indeed hate it. To this day it is the only main-line FF game (barring 1-3) that I haven’t finished... and this was the one they milked as hell. Sucks to be me. FFXIII basically killed my love for FF and my feelings towards the coming FFXV is,

Yeah a story-DLC this close to launch usually only means one thing: cut content. It’s never a great look...