
Nice rebuttal

I think part of the problem is that anyone with actual real insight works for a team and their work is proprietary and thus not public. We’re left with washouts and guys whose last good idea was in 1995.

The only thing more fucked up than that shift might be’s imbedded video ad system. You should be happy I want to watch your silly highlights. Is it football season yet, I want to bitch about how hard it is to actually watch a game anymore with all the goddam ads. Fuck it, I’m out, what’s this esports shit all

Stop judging people on how they look. IRRELEVANT. All caps for ya.

PS. that sorta checkpoint feels unamerican.

Barber: What you want?

Larry Nance Jr: Make me look like a 2K default player

Barber: Say no more fam

He was just there to see the SS play.

Two obvious takes

This seems to be a common misconception. After the IPO, the price of stock has no direct effect on the company until it tries to raise more capital in the future. So it sucks for Blue Apron investors, but the company will live or die by their sales in the next couple years, not the stock price.

They already have. They pointed out that the seams on the ball are lower.

Best wishes to Rasmus, but this should seal Mallex Smith’s permanent spot in the lineup.

This is good stuff, Ben- thanks.

Why does she even want visitation? She clearly doesn’t give a fuck about the child as evidenced by this case; why does she want to see him?

Separate question: who’s the dingus wearing the Brewers cap and a Brewers jersey standing in front of Freeland’s mom at a Rockies/White Sox game? Isn’t there an unwritten baseball rule about that? Or did he take a wrong turn at Albuquerque?


When you become outraged at everything, you are outraged at nothing.

Marcus Rashford’s classmates need to get a hold of themselves.

This is amazing. Thanks to a good human for doing something really important for a fellow human, and for following the instinct to take action.

I call this porno: “THE NORMAN D INVASION”

I’m a big fan of declaring people Kings for obscure accomplishments. King of Catcher Interference? Way to go guy!