
Much condescend, very nice.

Irsay it’s comparable to Russian roulette.

You’ll look great while berating one of the waiters

Now playing

Kyle Boddy, the owner of Driveline (where this took place) also helps train Trevor Bauer of the Indians. Here’s Trevor doing a scaled down version of a pull-down during a game. (Pull-down starts at 1:05)

This is good for a rip-off NY Times piece.

Lack of gear has always decreased my chances of scoring.

It’s disconcerting that Gruden and I share the same preferred HJ technique.

That let him hang onto it without much effort for the first two minutes. Two timeouts were called after the eventual losing team started pressuring the ball.

That overtime is so Iowa.

I’m glad someone took the time to write down Harper’s rules.

This picture of Damon is proof that evolution is real.

Yeah, it’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for her.

Champions League.

I could really go for a Vardy party.

That’s certainly one way to teach him what a “sweep” is.

Before we know it, Trump University will be in the Champions League.

I hope Bjorn Burner has some insight on this Swiss ball.

Impending investigation to be done by Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department.


Oh sure, NOW it’s okay to be hard on them.