
When asked about the FUPA, Christie replied: “I’ve not heard it called the Future United President of America, but it’s the only thing I’ll run for.”

I live 30 minutes east of Ames

Reporter: “Josh, what do you do to top this?”

You’re right. Harper’s numbers during that stretch (May 5 last year to May 5 this year) are relatively similar. Let’s not forget though that there was a similar conversation around Harper being sent to AAA last year during his struggles.

and factors that go into selection


“This was Framegate right from the beginning.”

Due to the outcome, Gizmodo is a much more appropriate place for this than Lifehacker.

Explain yourself.

People love Drake.


Who let Jim Tomsula tweet for Gammons?!

Mou's doctor is Abramovich.

The number of bees dropped from the hive were nearly as many as a rant from Eric Striker.

Tomsula responded to the report by saying, "sheuhhhehhghuhuh."

it might have been the first true thing he's said in four days.


"It's not a good situation for me right now," Sina told the