
If you have any info on Vegas's whereabouts, check the link.

I'm onto this right now. Can hardly wait.

Fuck the NCAA.

Brilliant. I'll look forward to (hopefully) seeing a post on it. It's a deserved subject.

No doubt there are many perks. NCAA sports being most women's version of professional athletics is also a great point as often they get the short end of the stick in terms of benefits and "freebies" that come with being an athlete. I'm a former collegiate athlete as well, and I also realize the hardships that come

-student athletes

Living in Iowa is hard enough already.

I'm glad you crav my approval.

This would be a half-decent post if you knew how to spell the name of the QB that Logan is coaching.

"I didn't realize you could digitally remove something from Washington!" - Nixon


Those 49ers and their domestic violence...

*swipes left*

Ya, this could turn into hip, hip, HIPAA-anonymous.

Fuck the NFL.

yelling at them to help children in need

Too bad there isn't a better way to make this more definitive. Like using technology and stuff.
