I apologize for coming down so hard on you when I made the mistake as to whom you were replying to. I’m not a fan of this commenting system.
I apologize for coming down so hard on you when I made the mistake as to whom you were replying to. I’m not a fan of this commenting system.
Actually, if it’s a game that’s distributed on physical media and not digitally, you aren’t purchasing a license - it’s the sale of a good. That’s pretty well established law across the United States - if it weren’t, no used game sales would be allowed.
Any audiovisual work is granted copyright that prevents others…
You claim I make a weak argument, then you try to refute an argument based on a logical application of the law with an anecdote? It appears that you have no clue what a “weak argument” looks like.
“ I use words and arguements instead.”
And you use words that don’t exist as well! ;-) Impressive.
You should put some actual content in your comments. :D
I don’t stream my parties, so I’m safe. ;-)
It’s not broken. It’s just taking a little bit of time to catch up to all the new ways morons infringe on other people’s rights.
I love getting lectured about the two subjects I have college degrees in: Business and Law. :D
I agree - streaming should be explicitly banned in copyright law. ;-)
The actions of a few that allow it are making people think that the practice is legal - which it’s not. It’s being done either by implicit permission (lack of takedown notices) or with licenses like SquareEnix is publishing. The problem is that the consumers think they have a right to stream - they need to realize…
The only thing I’m “shilling” is reality. Most of the denizens of the internet aren’t familiar with it.
And the assholes are the ones who are violating the copyrights. ;-)
It is the world you live in. You just don’t realize it yet.
The copyright holder has the exclusive right to distribute their work however they see fit. That means that selling the game *IS* their right, just like giving it away for free would be. :D
Thank you for that enlightening contribution.
Negative press in a very small subsection of the general public. Protecting their IPs against unwanted advertising has much more upside than the slightly negative press the “gamers” would see. You don’t make decisions based on the vocal minority.
If I were to make a video, for example, showing every single “sexy” scene…
Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following:
Here’s the text of 17 USC 107:
It is a copyright issue, because the limited license to stream is granted only to YouTube users. The reason SquareEnix can restrict music to that site is because of the copyrights inherent in the work.
Title 17 is hardly bloated. It’s actually pretty terse.