Keith Young

As for a Mass Effect movie...if I had the money I'd make it a TV mini-series. Mass Effect: Episode 1: Eden Prime, 2: Citadel, 3: Therum, 4: Feros, 5: Noveria. 6: Virmire, 7: Ilos, 8: Saren. Then do another season for Mass Effect 2 with the same basic structure, albeit a bit longer as part of an episode would have to

I agree...she may even be liable for libel as she may have "negligently" published the accusation against the male attendee and opened herself up for a lawsuit. Hope she has a good lawyer...and I wouldn't want to defend her.

Fair use doesn't come into play as one's image isn't copyrighted - in fact, the picture is, for all intents and purposes, copyrighted to the photographer when it was taken.

If you're in a public space, you've got no expectation of privacy. The only thing that cannot be done is using your image for commercial gain without your permission. Otherwise your picture can be taken by anyone or everyone when you step out of a private location.

I'm 100% sure. Avina has always responded like that to inquiries about Purgatory in the "vanilla" Mass Effect 3.

Depending on where in KY you are, Yuengling distributes to Ohio...

You say that as if whore-ish girls are bad...

Thanks. That was bugging me when they showed the highlight...I was wondering why a play that resulted in no points was in the compilation. :-)

They're both online server-based games. How is that an "idiotic comparison"?

Did they overturn the charge that was called on that play? The official under the basket certainly called an offensive foul.

When the merits are dismissed out of hand and not even considered, it's not worth attempting to argue based on them. When someone is completely illogical, it's a waste of time.

Why do morons assume that rational people who argue against idiotic ranting are in the employ of video game companies?

Ack. He wasn't a true freshman. Sorry about that.

Bill Walsh College Football was the best choice - just like Coach K in college basketball. The real cover shouldn't be an should be a coach or just the Heisman Trophy itself. These cover votes just lead to asinine Peyton Hillis.

I haven't bought it yet - my computer won't be able to run it...but I will buy it as soon as I replace this bloody dinosaur. :-)

Johnny Manziel's still in school and can't declare for the NFL draft for two more in the hell did you think he could end up on the cover, Owen? You should know better than that.

Too bad you reject reality. Have you looked into medication?

It's a dying genre. It thrived when realistic graphics and intricate games were impossible. Now that we have games like Dragon Age:Origins, Mass Effect, Skyrim, The Witcher, and more, the JRPG is going the way of the platformer - a niche market with little to no mass appeal apart from games grounded in nostalgia

Just because you don't agree with the design decision doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. This SimCity was designed to always be multi-player and not have a single player version.

It was designed as a social experience - where cities would be interconnected. That was the plan from the get go - this is the Multi-player Sim City. It was never designed as a single player game.