I don’t know who needs this information but a 16 STR human paladin can carry and/or throw several hundred kilograms of explosives in the form of firewine casks without hindering their ability to move or fight effectively
I don’t know who needs this information but a 16 STR human paladin can carry and/or throw several hundred kilograms of explosives in the form of firewine casks without hindering their ability to move or fight effectively
Comes great chafability.
With great powder
Do you...do you want me to get you pictures of Spiderman?
Seriously guys? No one has pointed out that “whet your whistle” is incorrect. Y’all volunteer proofreaders slipping!
He’s saving lives.
We aren’t flattening the curve where I live.
That part of the dealer experience isn’t bad. The bad part is when you go to the stupid little glass office and watch numbers dance on paper and know they are trying to rip you off.
Then you go to a deeper office and the pages upon pages of legalese designed to deceive is shoveled in front of you. And for some reason…
“Be smart about it”, by which you mean, I assume, that if a bunch of cases are reported in a workplace, that workplace should probably be taking a bunch of measures to make sure it doesn’t spread further, by maybe closing down for a brief period, disinfecting everything, and allowing those with cases to get over…
First, Bill Bull. Grade A name.
But I’m a cheerleader showed me a film where the gay people were allowed to be happy and witty and funny and could be the butt of the joke and still the victors.
Who is even thinking about Bernie or Warren as a nominee at this point? I’m well aware that he’s going to be the nominee, and it’s strange that literally any observation of Biden being less-than-perfect turns into someone in the comments accusing me or Jezebel at large of being deluded about the reality we find…
Every kid is different. There might be developmental or emotional issues we don’t know about. Maybe back off the criticism of a strangers parenting?
This is less the number itself than the invitation to call the number.
I guess the argument is that it's not important or influential, which I can sort of see. Was it fun. Sure. Did it make money. A shit ton. But I don't think Billy Jack'influences reverbrate in any meaningful way.
I really think Welles belongs on this list somewhere, as so many of his efforts have the hallmarks of an independent, like Othello, the Trial, Chimes at Midnight, F For Fake. While true they may have foreign funding, or have been produced in foreign countries, their maker is a U.S. native, their language English and…
They’re not being helpful to their employees at restaurants that have closed, putting some on "furlough" instead of actually laying them off, so they're not able to collect unemployment. Perhaps this will change if they choose to divert rent money to their employees...
They only don't have caps because the agreement that allowed them to buy Time Warner barred them from having caps for 7 years. I say this as a Spectrum customer. I expect them to try to add caps as soon as they can.
you are selfish as fuck