
FWIW, rather than use fridge magnets, we use small stacks of rare earth magnet discs, wrapped in a loop of colorful electrical tape.

You forgot one part: spin the asteroid at high RPM. the molten minerals will settle out by layer, and can be scraped off, one type at a time.

Here's a little food for thought for those who have yet to bother to get a surge protector: When I was doing hardware tech support calls for Dell, more than half of my calls (where the problem wasn't user-caused) were for systems that didn't have a surge protector. The basic rule of thumb is if it doesn't have a

I prefer the term 'outrageously premature'. :grin:

Could one of you brave lads or lasses try putting those drops under the tongue (i.e. don't swallow them) to see how long it takes to be effective? I have a buddy with MS who is getting permission to grow his own, and having his pain relief being instantly effective would be of huge benefit.

For those of us who aren't from the US, there is a much simpler solution: refuse to travel to the United Police States of America.

It depends on if you over-sharpen it or not. If honed before every use, and only sharpened using the proper tools and techniques, your great-great-great grandkids will inherit yours, though it may be down to a filleting knife by then. The butcher knife that belonged to my grandmother is over 80 years old and still

:facepalm: The response and his counter-response are so over-the-top, I just want to smack everyone involved upside the head.

Odd how his get taken down, while Zazzle's haven't.

Heh. Guess I should have double-checked the Link link I posted. This is the one I meant.

I can confirm that. It's a simple fix. I just needed to add a space to a text box, then delete it, so I could click 'Save'. I assume that some link isn't refreshed until you do.

You know what would make a good Kickstarter project? Setting up a company to teach prospective Kickstarter project creators how to set them up properly.

Typical Gawker headline. Nothing to see here. Carry on, citizen.


Use heavily salted water, and they will stay flexible.

One great thing about MP3Gain is that all changes are 100% lossless and reversable.

FWIW, CDex has always been my go-to CD ripping app.

FWIW, Alton Brown does pie crust and apple pie right. (tl;dr? You buy all of your pies at McDonalds, don't you? Thought so.)

FWIW, if you use landjäger sausage for the filling, you can leave them in your pocket until the pastry goes bad; the sausage never will.. (It tastes great, as well.)