
To be honest, the original rant doesn’t sound like it is against most trans folk, but against those who are trying to control others through (mostly verbal) violence. (Even though I’m pseudo-trans, myself, those folks really get under my skin, too.)

...or they could stop pandering to the hyper-vocal, self-entitled, hate-filled, intolerant, woke mobs and get back to creating quality cinema. ...but that’s not going to happen in this increasingly weak, cowardly society, now is it?

Those Japanese getting so offended CLEARLY don’t know the military history of their own country or they would be keeping their heads down and their mouths firmly shut.  

“but this kind of thing does happen relatively frequently to movies aimed at anything but a straight, white, male audience or with anything but a straight, white, male lead.”

...and there is the racism and sexism that Gawker/GMG/GO Media Inc. is well known for. :sigh: When are y’all going to accept that someone’s skin

I humbly suggest you study your history a little better. To a *VERY* real degree, ‘entertainers’ have *always* significantly altered the shape of society and civilization itself by choosing which stories, viewpoints, and narratives their audiences receive, sometimes without saying a word. Consider the mighty blow

I humbly suggest you study your history a little better. To a *VERY* real degree, ‘entertainers’ have *always* significantly altered the shape of society and civilization itself by choosing which stories, viewpoints, and narratives their audiences receive, sometimes without saying a word. Consider the mighty blow

:sigh: They are flying monkeys, acting like you’d expect flying monkeys to act if their brains had been boosted . So one is a bard in a non-serious pose. So what? If you look up ‘D&D bard’ images, you’ll find *LOTS* of them in similar positions, or even sillier ones—much, MUCH sillier.

...and if you think that bloddy

FWIW, cooling towels made of 100% PVA are *AMAZING* for evaporative cooling. (Make sure to look in reviews for complaints that they are stiff when dry; that is how you know that they aren’t mixed with bamboo/cotton/etc. If one brags about being soft when dry, avoid it; it isn’t 100% PVA and will dry out *MUCH* faster

One thing that would *WILDLY* set it apart is if it followed BeamNG’s lead and added Automation integration. The ability to design your own vehicle—*literally* from the ground up—and then race it in the Test Drive universe would be something Forza couldn’t HOPE to match.

I’m pretty sure that the original tweet was simply observing the fact that those who don’t want to interact with others might not be the best person with which to build a relationship.

Just sayin’.

I have to say that this is one of the more wholesome, intelligent commenter communities. Some of the comment sections on other sites are just FULL of toxic, moronic haters. I like it here.

(...and, in case you are wondering, yes, some of his choices are less than ideal, simply for the reason that he is trying to stick

It doesn’t matter *HOW* talented a writer is if the studio throws most of their work out to go their own way. Honestly, I’m pretty sure that many of the better writers utterly *refuse* to work with certain studios specifically to protect their own reputation; they know the twisted horror that their creation would be tu

Personally, I have no doubt that it is possible to transport a million people to Mars within thirty years; we certainly already have the technology necessary to build the infrastructure for such an undertaking. That being said, losing ten percent to accidents/etc. would be pretty much expected. ...and then losing at

As long as the data is limited to only what would be known by the combatants and includes ranges and uncertainty, I’m all for it. It then goes from metagaming to something more realistic.

Honestly, Roe vs. Wade *DOES* need to be re-examined as it was based on the available data that showed that access to abortion was better for women than forcing them to bring unwanted pregnancies to term. Much later, studies showed that women having an abortion were 3-14 times more likely to die in the next year when

Honestly, Roe vs. Wade *DOES* need to be re-examined as it was based on the available data that showed that access to abortion was better for women than forcing them to bring unwanted pregnancies to term. Much later, studies showed that women having an abortion were 3-14 times more likely to die in the next year when

I just read the article and really don’t see why y’all are so consumed with hatred for her; she expresses her concern and compassion quite well. Why viciously attack someone who is so clearly on the side of NH/NC folk and simply wants to protect and help them?

re: 2.
I hear you. I actually knew a couple who *BRAGGED* that their fourteen-year-old son had never made himself a /sandwich/ in his entire life, let alone cook/clean/do laundry/learned finances/etc. Their excuse was “He is only a kid for a short time and then has to be an adult for the rest of his life.” They

It doesn’t *have* to be a WW2 game, just a war game that is designed to feel like a war movie, much like L4D is meant to be like being in a horror flick.

re: 2.
I hear you. I actually knew a couple who *BRAGGED* that their fourteen-year-old son had never made himself a /sandwich/ in his entire life, let alone cook/clean/do laundry/learned finances/etc. Their excuse was “He is only a kid for a short time and then has to be an adult for the rest of his life.” They