
Considering what a racist and chauvinist ERB was, this is one movie that would pretty much have to be better than the book.

One good reason to legalize marijuana is so it can be regulated; more specifically, so the ratio of THC to CBD can be regulated. The newer, more potent strains have much higher THC levels as compared to CBD. Why is this a problem? THC is a psychotic, CBD is an anti-psychotic. When they are balanced, as in Sativex,

One VITAL point that hasn't been made yet is maintenance. There are still a lot of companies that have an old 486 running software that can't be done without, can't be upgraded because the company that wrote it has been out of business the last 15 years and the source for the proprietary code is long gone, yet it

What I'd like is if Aptitude could emulate the behaviour of Gentoo's Portage package management system, and, instead of just downloading binary packages, could download the source for each package, and compile it for your particular setup.

We've done this for years, using cooked brown rice, coconut milk or cream (for creaminess), ground flax seeds (for nutrition and thickening), ground hemp seeds (for both nutrition and flavour), chewable/liquid vitamins (for added nutrition), and a pinch of salt. One of the great things about it is that it can't

Heh. Sculpt the north side into a LoungerLawn(tm)!

Please note that, though a great additive, biochar only mechanically enhances the soil:

My go-to cold weather torso protection is a Denver Hayes gloss black, lined leather jacket, with a zip-up hoody under it when things get especially frigid. I've walked downtown with only a t-shirt under them when it was 30 below with winds gusting to 80, and stayed totally toasty. Leather shrugs off both water and

I've often thought that the secret to immortality might be putting off puberty indefinitely. Wouldn't it be ironic if The Serpent was the key to regain it? :grin:

> Also, periods. We might get too emotional and not be able to shoot somebody.

Even better than a hanging (swinging) weight is to attach weights to the bottoms of the legs, to bring the center of gravity as low and wide as possible. I have old barbell weights (like in the photo) that I slide onto each leg, and use cord tied at the top of the legs to keep them off of the ground. I've also seen

Even easier: Drag the image from a explorer window onto the Google image search text box. Done.

> Not impressed at all, especially considering it uses up a large amount of CPU power and memory...

On my first Bell cellphone bill, I noticed that they charged me $51.60/MB (Seriously. I'm not kidding or exaggerating. It really does come to more than $50,000/GB.), despite having the 'unlimited browser' package. When I mentioned it to the dealer I got the phone from, he said that another customer showed him a

Now playing

If you are really old school, this is what you think of when you hear about a 'Crossfire' game.

Substitute 'war', 'overspending', etc. for 'lobbying', and you make points just as valid, but just as impossible, as there will always be those who won't follow the program, and will take advantage of those that do, unfortunately.

-5 internets for allowing the character to leave the kitchen. :ducks:

I'm not sure about the other bundles, but HB does one thing I love: a Steam key as an option. The great thing about software that has activation codes is that you can by the code, send it to your email address, then forward it on to someone else on their birthday (or w/e). I probably have two dozen gift codes