
One very nice thing about Linux software in general is that you can find it available on a LiveCD, which means that not only doesn't it need to be installed, but you don't even need a hard drive in your system.

"Is There Any Way ViewSonic’s $170 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablet Isn’t Terrible? ... We'll find out soon, assuming they've brought the thing to CES."

Heh. My knee-jerk reflex, even before reading the article, was to check to see if there was a CHDK release for it.

For some people, it apparently is. For myself, I ask them "You want to borrow my ______? Do you currently have the money to fix or replace it? No? My answer is the same." I suspect that the reason that most kids (...or people, for that matter) don't know the value of a dollar is because they have yet to work hard

Hmmm... The iCade Mobile looks pretty bad when compared to the iControlPad; it has no analogue controls, no battery, costs more, and doesn't seem to support anything other than iOS devices.

(Thank you for the opportunity to use the term 'lolwut'?)

Ummm... No. I'm both old and have taste. This is what I was referencing.

Technically speaking, that's true. The result will be the pot becoming colder and staying colder than if you only used water.

What? No, they all have them, you just need to unroll them all the wa.... Oh. OH! Sorry, buddy; I didn't mean to make you feel inadequate like that.

Forget vodka; this sounds like the perfect recipe for using Southern Comfort!

"You got your Onion in my Jalopnik!"

'Doy' is certainly the right word; note the parallels to these words from ~3000 years ago!

Speaking from a man's perspective, I prefer androgenic hair to be moderately trimmed. Razor burn and wire-brush stubble aren't sexy or comfortable anywhere, and pubic hairballs are just... awkward to deal with.

No. Cinderblock has 2 large voids; foamed concrete has thousands of tiny ones.

Hmmm... If induction/etc. was used to heat and spin the asteroid, we could easily siphon off whatever molten minerals we wanted, as they would form layers.

Here's a thought: pack your 'dressy' items, then hit a Value Village (or w/e) for casual wear when you get to your destination. I can pretty much guarantee that you will find something good enough to bring back with you, and you can give the rest back.

Ummm... Ice 'attracting' fat? No. Just... no.

This won't help until next time, but make notes every day/week/etc. from now until the next one. You'll catch more, and writing the report will be a snap.

...don't forget the windows, especially the open ones and the ones on the second floor!