
...maybe it decided that it was too mainstream and deleted itself? :grin:

I remember that Mythbusters episode, and they found FCB even on the toothbrush in the kitchen.

This kind of diatribe is why the only Gawker site I, and quite a few of my associates, ever read is Lifehacker. Problem, advertisers?

If you want heat without smoke, this is the way to go.

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@seanism: Not quite. You still have to pay for the SIM card and associated fees/contracts.

@mahfrot: Eh. It's a dupe of a post over at

I think that in the long run, one of these would be more economical.

Heh. What's funny is that some of SuperCook's recipes are pulled from the top 2 most popular sites. (I just spent 5 minutes clicking through the ingredients that we keep around usually, and it returned over 4000 recipes!)

Oh, Gawker, you know we'll always come back for more.


@D4RkNIKON: Small correction: it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Unfortunately, the more potent it has been bred to be, the more likely it is to cause psychotic episodes. I have no problem with it being legalized, but the CBD/THC ratio should be regulated.

1. Print out make/model/serial number/etc. @ 7pt on laser printer on regular paper, then cut out.

@bustedchain: Imagine if they could layer a similar insulator...

@A Ferret is on his best behaviour: I would guess that for John Q. Public, it is just as exciting as when transistors were first invented... or even nowadays, despite how important they are to... we... everybody. In fact, I bet that the only time that people in general will get excited about graphene is when it is

@trc202: Even better; attach it to a car in a reserved spot at the FBI office.

@Zinger314: Naw. The die-hard modern gamers will largely go with the Jungle, and the retro-gamers, hardware hackers, and Linux junkies will mostly go for the Pandora.