
I'm gnna go ahead and accept those. Also, Elaine.

Is dancing a requirement in comedies now? It seems to be. I just can't find dancing that funny. David Brent yes tho.

The truth will set you gluten free. God. All religions should just go quietly hide under a pile of coats, eternally. Except Jainism, nah, them too.

Well played on that and all great calls too!
Innervisions is amazing…prolly going to that next!

Ha! Well, I guess everything's wrapped up in a Neat Little Package then, isn't it?! What? I mean it! Now where's that pile of coats…?

I would be worried to know that…

Not in a place where I can absorb new music right now, so I'm reloving Talking Book by Stevie Wonder. Particularly 'Maybe your Baby'. So good. Maybe your Baby done made some other Plannnns you're makin Me Worrrrryeeee! Also Songs for the Deaf. Really good summer albums! For me….

Ya. They've never shown respect to ANY politician on the show. EVER. And that I respect. I think they summed up their politics when they had Obama and McCain in cahoots during the election so they could Oceans 11 a Hope diamond or something. Palin was a British mastermind… I still love them. They did get real

Watched 'Canada on Strike' 'Mysterion Rises' and 'Awesome-O' online last night. Was laughing non stop. Tho they've earned the right to do whatever the fuck they want, which they've always done anyways, I definitely agree they should get away from the serialized thing. I thought the last 2 seasons were the weakest

I thought it was that shibboleth used In GoT to get into that place where that stuff happens….

New music? Cmon! There's nothing to life but inhalin exhalin and Van Halen. … Sure you can use it…

Someone told me it was like Vinyl but for comedy, tho not funny, and without the 'Rock and Roll is supposed to make the hairs on your neck Stand Up!' every episode…which eventually got funny. Bizarro Vinyl basically.

So what do you do? … … I drive. Okayyyy? Anything else? No.

That's cucumbers with cottage cheese! Awwww…

I've seen 'driver' before and wracked my brains to think if that could mean anything other than one who drives people/things around. I could not. It better fucking mean that!

There'd still be Brain Pickings! I only use my computer for that, ScriptBuddy, free Netflix&HBO, and youtube lectures. Currently on a Lawrence Krauss binge!

I think it was a perfectly tone deaf decision by her.

I can't imagine it taking much. I will prolly just leave that be.

Oh yeah! I dislike it more now. Thanks!

These biopics are becoming more and more embarrassing and otiose. 'Ooh!, we found a looka likee of someone famous! Let's make a pointless schwagg ass movie about them!'