
Cercies wildfire stash I'm guessing will make a return. Not sure how or from whom tho….

You are not alone. That spinoff is gnna be something!

Infinite Jest. 'It's 1079 pages of…' 'Next!' I stopped recommending it to anyone. About 15 people either gave up or stopped. 1 person tho has it now as her favorite book. Those odds are not good.

A Serious Man
The Shawshank Redemption
Night of the Hunter
Batman(Keaton Nichelson)

They're even better frozen!

Visions of Johanna?! Those fuckers. I'll be damned if it isn't the line, 'the little boy lost. He takes himself so seriously. Brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously.' Then again, could be. 'Jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the mule.' Still, those fuckers!

Kevin Costner's… It crossed the line to dryish diarrhea…

Oy. Him doing the Australian bit in Django was particularly stanky…

Thelma&Louise: The Afterlife….

Only? Once was just enough…not for you, but me. I suppose it really does not matter at all tho, so… Be well and godspeed!

Yep. Love PTA! Did not care for Inherent Vice pretty much at all. Punch Drunk Love was a bit iffy too. The rest are all in my tops! Butya, he must've had some suspicions that he was making a characterless and jokeless Lebowski around halfway thru and couldn't turn around or something. However, I do love that

…'And now Cha…I mean Bruce Willis in Death Wish 10'…(laying in hospital bed): 'I wish I was dead.'….

Didn't read the article, that Air Bud one was too good and took too much time, but I'm assuming he's just cameoing as himself like he always does?

Look out guys! Women can be stupid and impish too! And fun!

I've never seen any of them, but judging by the article I'll give the series an 8…K-9…

Could you Plinth not bring that up again! Dammit.

Holy fuck. 'This town, (world) needs an enema!'

Nor plinth…

Nice. Ya, that all sounds about right!

Dammit. It can! And better too! And it's on Youtube! Looks like there's gnna be another fucking reunion tour. Actually, I just love to mention Lick it Up whenever possible, as it is the most Tap like real life song title ever.