
Rockabye. Shawn Mullins or something like that. It's nauseating. I've been texting it's youtube link to friends who unsuspectingly open it and pretty much have to watch the whole stupid thing. He talks the verses! No matter tho, cuz EVERYEETHINGS GNNA BEE ALLLRIiiiight, Rockabye! What?!

Nice! Ya, I youtubed the heck out of it and knew there had to be a story there! The youngest looked like she was 5! Just swinging away doing harmonies. And then Hair?! Ha! Where'd you see that doc btw?!

The Rain The Park and other Things by The Cowsills….It's that song in Dumb&Dumber when Loyd is driving and starts day dreaming about Mary…'And I knew I knew I knew I knew she would make me Happy Happy Happy Flowers in her Hair Flowers Everywhere!' I started singing it at work the other day, had to find out who

Is great an option? Then Yes. Yes he was.

Was Karl Marx good or bad for the world?

Well then Ms Brocius!… Looks like we got our hands full then huh? I think it's a fine way to be anyhow. Andya, Turns out Marx was in fact a hilarious, vicious,extremely well read philosophical guy, but also a deadbeat dad of 7 and total mooch off of Engels…3/4 thru…so we'll see. Hope the reading is good for

After reading 20 pages got Karl Marx A Life…which, half way thru now and it is a great read. Fascinating how much I do not know about him. Also got Hitchcock/Truffaut which I've kinda been stalking the place(it's so close to my house, I go often anyway) to see if they'd ever have it….They did! I'd seen the

I'm going to Half Price Books tonight! I like everything you said. Thank you.

Sgt. Peppers for me. It's their least guitar driven album but the best part about it is the guitars! They just sort of pop up randomly throughout but are always SPOT ON. Also, one of my most memorable music listening experiences of all time. Shroomed in Golden Gate Park and played guitar in this forest with

The flavor notes were layered and complex. My favorite kind. As all bibliophiles love to say…I'm a voracious eater.

Oy. That is not good at all.

Alright. So the weirdest thing I've ever done (that I'll admit) is that I've read that book 10 times. I know, insane. Anyway, my dad won me a grill in a grocery store raffle and gave it to me. I never used it and he was starting to get not really hurt about it. By the 10th read, the book was totally falling

I know! It's a great line. That's liberal democracy in action right there! She probably got some authentic bolstering from it too. Oy

Obviously, that was a strong contender… Lived there for 4 months before I moved here to TX. Florida local nightly news is pure trainwreck, every night. Thankfully I don't have a tv anymore.

It's never been a popular opinion with my friends but, I rarely found The Chappelle Show funny. Sophomoric at best. If he did actual standup between clips, sure, but no, he 'hosted' it with a live audience which I always found real clunky and awkward. "Now, the premise for this next sketch is hilarious…What we did

Still, his timing kills! And he still does that thing where he doubles over and steps back laughing at his jokes while knocking the mic on his knee… I used to truly enjoy that. Now No. Ya, that last double special was awful.

Hey. Some of his were mid 90's versions thereof.

Tho there's plenty of competition…across the board…Texas might be the most embarrassing state in the country. So it's a good job I moved here 2 years ago! Austin, but still embarassing. It's just so proud of it's arrogance and ignorance. A lady in the senate said, 'If English was good enough for Jesus it should

Consider yourself a producer. I turned right but ended up pretty much going all the way around the dinosaur so it was basically like turning left. Congrats on the new position…?

I've seen him live 4 times and each show ended up being the funniest stand up I've ever seen. He's so pure at it that I can't imagining him ever stopping with it, but these forays into tele haven't worked for me. Or him.