
I still feel positive the MPD was at LEAST in the know of what happened. They were close to having to pay Avery 36Mil and then just like that! Not. Detectives Colburn and Lenk who had recused themselves from the investigation already, reeked of suspicion and then ya, mustachiod boyfriend of the sister, he knew

I'm unburying it right now! Ooh! There's a bone! Uhm. There's a sarcophagus…? And there's the money!!!

I'm unburying it right now! Finally some legitimate cinema!

Alright. picture this. A cross between The Mummy and Encino Man. Called "The Mummy and Encino Man".

I'm at work right now and have been singing the plunking bass line all morning! There's something so spot on about it. I'm guessing you do kinda remember it but also that it is just unforgettably good! Just picturing Audrey dancing alone to it makes me happy.

I must say, I was 10 when twin peaks came out and obviously did not get it. Forgot about him for a good 15 years and then read Wallace's essay on him which lead me straight to Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks and Mulholland Dr.etc., and now he's a great source of joy and inspiration. Never enough of those. So, thank you

Ya, that's becoming a signature HBO drama move. The 2 people in a room, unrealistically drawn out expository conversation…GOT normally has a candle going in theirs…they all seem to do it. The listener in the scene just sits there staring at the speaker, for minutes, silent. It kind of took me out of it. I thought

Ah yes, the drugs…. Ya, seeing that while hallucinating probably would've been a bit much for me. Who knows tho, slip a lil DayGlo in the Tang…could be a good trip! The fact that it came out a year before the moon landing is also so badass.

The thing about gun violence in movies is you know exactly who can and cannot be shot. By the time i was 10 I knew that Schwartzenegger was going to destroy the ENTIRE army on the island of Valverde in Commando. He was shot at by about 500 pissed off Valverdians with automatic rifles and was not hit once by them.

I wasn't born until 12 years later, but 2001: A Space Odyssey must have been a terrifyingly great movie theater experience.

Unless of course, the 'entertainment' itself… I suppose that we will never know tho. Too Late! And who knows, maybe Fun with Teeth could be the feel good story of the year! That book changed my life tho…

I Love You. I was gnna put that.! Up in the mean streets of Toronto too! Ya, all of Incandenza's movies were quite cool actually, that one especially having real world possibility. How the Mother Superior relapses and all? The getting to know you and cleaning up montage? HA! I've always wondered what my

Because it comes across on the show.

I may be one of the few people who has NEVER seen LOST! One of those things where you hear so much about it when it's going on, that you just can't. Anyway, I think this ending will be interesting if anything, and hopefully more satisfying, and more character inclusive than the Girls finale…

You just made me remember. When the dog shootin guy said something to Kevin about 'talk to the boss', I thought Kevin was gnna ask, 'Who's the boss?' and he was gnna say Tony Danza and there he'd be, for some reason… Really was thinking that.

I think of Boogie Nights. And Pet Sounds of course….

Agreed. Also, if they were to show what force caused the Departure it'd probably end up being a giant evil spider or something.

How come the second Kevin failed the biometric, then passed the dickmetric, but didn't have to answer the security question to get the card to scan the door open?

I don't know. It doesn't stay great for long and it doesn't stay not great for long. Bouncy. You can see and hear the show trying to break and make new rules of fiction as it goes along. Sometimes quite effectively, sometimes not. Can't really imagine wanting to rewatch it, which is a big factor in quality, for

OK Computer and Either/Or saved the year for me. I didn't give a fuck about anything else.