
Finishing up rereading Libra by Delillo which is just one of the best books I've ever read. Yesterday, went to HPB and got God is Not Great by Hitchens, and Speak Memory by Nobokov. Books are becoming more and more a huge part of my sanity.

Ooh. Also, when the US Office debuted and it was a line for line copy of the UK one…. My friends and I were obsessed with the UK one and we just watched it and gasped. It did get pretty good for a stint, but then got All American with it and went on way past its shelf life. A reason for products to be advertised.

Tho I was severely depressed for some time at that point…went to see House of a Thousand Corpses in the theater with some friends and had I think my first real panic attack. If he intended that effect, Bravo, but Zombie makes some shitty ass stuff. I remember thinking I was going to be stabbed in the back of the

Didn't get into this band/album until 6/01…then 9/11 happened and it took on a whole new level and was the soundtrack of the next 2-3 years for me. I studied the liner notes like a total maniac. The 2 planes flying from Jesus's hand? All of it. I was obsessed. The Bends, Kid A, and Amnesiac too, obviously.

'Gee. What are you going to do Mr. Simpson?' 'Well, during the exam, I'm gnna hide under a pile of coats and hope Everything works out…' I thought of that reading the title, but that clip works even better. Still, pile of coats is one of my favorites…. Normally works too!

Agreed. I fucking hate US football too. Guy runs into the pile again, commercial break. Still, to the point tho, not smiling all the time is worse.

Used to. Then I became American, didn't have to anymore. Still like the 2 ball soccer idea tho!

Let's be like the rest of the world America. Don't smile and start taking very seriously watching 20 guys kick and chase a ball around a field for 2 hours. Side note. If they put 2 balls in play on a soccer field at the same time….the game could actually be pretty badass to watch and play. Been thinking about

I think one would eventually/really have to anyway. Hmm. They could've made it a bit clearer….

Ooh! They're having one next year too?! Drat! Now I have to decide whether to save up for this or the Limp Bizkit cruise. If Ja can scoop Ashanti for it…I think I know what I'm doing. …Unless the cruise can drop me off at the island…? Hmmm. 2018's gnna rule!

They were 26 when they made this. George 25….. That always inspires/depresses me. It balances out really…

Well I'm better that Ted Danson! No you're not. You're worse. Much Much worse.

The grammars good! Oh wait. I Kelsey what you did there.

Like unicorns I think we should probably just go extinct. In a good way tho. We've had a…run.

Un's Grandfather Sung is still the President of the country. He's been dead since 1994. Eternal President. A necrocacy as Hitch liked to put it.

You just wait and see. She'll prove to be the next Eleanor Rrrr…….igby.

That didn't help. Kevin's always been the best part. Loved Nora in the 1st season but she became a 1D, annoying side character thereafter. Then that bird lady thing? Oy. Could end magnificently but it has a lot of work to do.

That ventriloquist act reeked of the Catholic Church.

They're end notes. But yes, yes there will be. Nahhh. I think if we just swizzle them in where'd they fit anyway, we could eschew the sister series.

It used to be kinda good preposterous. Now it's kinda bad preposterous.