
If they use Elliott Smith's 'Pretty (Ugly Before)' in this….it will be late in the 1st act. 'And I feel pretttttty…another hour or twoooooooooo!' There's 2 more hours of this?!

Barf for President! Oh wait. That's basically him.

It used to be in a kind of ameliorative way.

She whispered too much. I hope they did.

Few people were literate back then, and religion was/is a good way to keep the people down and power intact. They were credulous, scared and dumb…much like ourselves today.

If that dog people story line actually stays thru…it might save this show. Not in an ideal way, but….like a dog people way.

Pretty much every HBO drama out there. If there is a light hearted scene, rest assured there's going to be a catastrophe coming soon. It's becoming a bit predictable.

At least Evie and Meg are gone because I found the White walkers to be incredibly annoying. Aphasiacs(or selective mutism or whatever they were) and crowds I find to be usually acted out poorly. With the GR being both. The writing? Guh… HBO crowd scenes are ALWAYS overacted. How does a crowd overact? They just

Right? The thing could be done. Hmmm.

Does anyone want to help me get Infinite Jest onto the small screen? I'm thinking 2 seasons, 10 hour and a half episodes each. Not joking. Serious here.

I thought it was the official burger of the 1984 Olympics…?

That is a tad askew. Yet here they are!

Also, Extras has that scene where that guy is sexing Maggie and says, 'Put a bit of minge into it! You're like a dead horse!'.

I think it's because the meth world isn't exactly known for it's salaciousness.

Yep! I got home one night and turned on the tele and caught the pilot and was hooked! 1 of the most exciting and unexpected tv watching experiences I've had. By season 3-4 I thought the coincidences were becoming a bit too convenient for the story not to collapse, and then it was huge. Oh well.

Hey Now! Pretty much allllll biopics look bad when you see them….

Schubert's Quintet in C Major. Exquisite. Wittgenstein turned me onto it. Those guys…

Samizdat? Hmmm. I thought that's how he Always looked.

All Totally true and valid points. I stand by it tho! The chain vest and the stache? What were they thinking? Still tho, his lines are pure gold!

That's right Matrix! You did! (while you can see the glare off the cable wrapped around his ankle) I don't think I've ever wished for a sequel, but Commando 2 I am now definitely wishing for. Slitting the little girls throat will be like cutting warm butter…. Put the knife away and shut your mouth. I love