
Just picked up Steinbeck's 'A Russian Journal' from 1948. Wow. Only 20 pages in but, the FIRST page has, "…For news is no longer news, at least that part of it which draws the most attention. News has become a matter of punditry. A man sitting at a desk in Washington or NY reads the cables and rearranges them to

God. See You in Heaven! That too! Making a list of his best changes on a daily basis. I mean, Condor Ave, he wrote when he was 17! I can play a decent amount of his songs and that one is unbelievable idiosyncratic. He knew exactly where his sound was going at the age of 17. Any No Name song… Oy. Any song.

Independence Day!

Almost Over! Wow. Our Thing. Some Song. Sticks and Stones(Over my Shoulder)….Fucknay!

What's even more is that first he sings 'Don't let me get carried away' twice, and then finishes with 'Don't let me Be carried away.' Which chills me still…

That Daniel Stern…his words still make me cry! It is a tad askew that he's still narrating Fred's life tho…

'Oy Brent! Is that all you care about is chasing the Yankee dollar?'

It also has an overall aural problem too. Definitely the Nazi thing as well tho…

No! Not 'Non'. 'None' Nevermind.

And then there were none….

Funny bit of spermology here forya. A spermologist is one who excels in trivia! And that's that then.

Is he gnna play Donny Don't? If so, then Don't do what Donny Don't Does.

Man. Finding out who won something seems to be getting harder and harder these days.

Frankly neither. They both asked but I was booked at the time. We shant work together again.

I love overhearing my roommate Not Laughing At All during either of those husks week after week. It seems to be appointment viewing nonetheless.

Ooh! They stuck it to the California Raisins?! They don't care whose toes they step on! For real tho. I wonder if there are any celebs who have the shrewdness and taste to decline being on the show. A short list if anything. That is of course if they are allowed to say No.

What about Red Hook Summer? Oh wait. Nevermind. That was abysmal.

Lick it Up will really connect with the feline fanbase too.

"And there will be no reading from the script on stage."

Ya. I could go either way on this. But. Who's gnna wear all those dresses and tuxedos?! We're just gnna waste them now?!