He must've used a coupon!
He must've used a coupon!
One who excels in trivia is called a 'spermologist'… That's real btw… Impress your friends and loved ones with that bit of spermology!
Ehh. I've seen stranger things….
Fitter Happier.
It's an awesome book! Read it several times. It's no Infinite Jest but then again, nothing else is close. Pale King is a thinker nonetheless!
That too. But with the gender gap stuff and racism and the avarice and whatnot too. Ya. Weird ass place. And I'm planning on moving there once my screenplay is finished! Pg. 117 right now.
Hollywood is the mos liberal/conservative place on the planet it seems…as in insane.
The Pale King shows that one can find transcendence thru boredom. I like that.
Ahhh. I have not. Now I hate them too. Funny tho. They are the ice cream of the good ol days and dippn dots were the ice cream of the future. Can't we just have an ice cream for our fucking times?! Cmon!
The good ol days tasted like Listeria? I don't remember that!?…? Hmmm. Maybe they did now that you mention it.
SNL has writers?! Nah. That was actually pretty good. Better to keep those a bit more discreet tho. Live and learn. I wouldn't say 'that Pooor kid', but, something to that effect.
His eyes look like they're as cold as Dippn Dots. That might be part of the problem. Part.
How bout Blue Bell? They at least sort of deserve it!
All good points. I'd say still 1 goalie per team…butya, it would be interesting to see. The chaos would be pretty awesome come to think of it. My brother watches and, tho I used to play and enjoyed it, watching it is still just an insane waste of time(for me). Like, there could be action going on on both sides of…
Perhaps slightly off topic…but wouldn't soccer be pretty fucking incredible if they played with 2 balls on the field going at the same time?! I've been thinking about that lately…a LOT. First off, it would be twice as exciting, but also just pretty crazy to watch. Not really sure who I go to with this tho. Hmmm.
Fuckin WI. I've been watching Making a Murderer Repeatedly lately. It is so damn good! It's still boggling my mind. Colburn, Lenk, Scott Tadych, and Bobby Dassey.
I don't watch these. It's just nice to know they're still rubber stamping B-'s on them tho. Looks like everything's wrapped up in a neat little package!
Not sure. I'm hoping tho that it's pre-prognosis negative but post Chunnel. If so. Giddyup!
…'The road to the Super Bowl is long and pointless. I mean, when you think about it.'…. Who can spot that one?
I rather enjoyed it actually. My mother and I were laughing in shock the entire time. The suicide attempt at the end really clinched it for me. Butya. Who THE FUCK was this actually made for?