
'I Have A MOLE?!'

I really want to see 9 Lives. That picture has me bought and sold. Also, that recent Seagul slogger looks like a good laugh.

Hmm. It's almost like you could just rubber stamp a B- for a Simpsons episode for the rest of eternity and no one would bat an eye.

Pretty sure that conservative Baldwin brother tinkers with the geetar… He must, right?

Hey. You play Wango Tango and Cat Scratch fever and you got yourself a pretty classy little inauguration! Or…. You play Bomwiduwit(or whatever the fuck that thing is called) and Cowboy and once again, pretty classy little inauguration. I really wish it was Vince Neil tho. Girls Girls Girls and Dr. Feelgood?

Hey Hey HEyyy What Is Going On Here?!

me too.

I know. As someone who is also trying to finish up a comedy screenplay I'm pretty sure the existence of this is promising….?

Hey! I'm from Wes…I mean, Wisconsin! In due time, we'll All go there. Best water in the western world! Ever since the cryptosperidium breakout and all…

Better! Thank You?! Sheesh! Kidding

Dare I say that the park could use some sort of like federal oversight commission, or maybe like even just a local sheriff stops by every once in a while and at first is real folksy but then starts catching on to some foul play and starts snootin in?

Ya. No. Not that good. A stupid bloated mess with lame characters but a good idea every once in a while. Oh well, I suppose one cannot account for their own tastes! Enjoy.

A family member or maybe a friend on the outside? She wasn't that fleshed out of a person so maybe any of those kind of people gave up on her.

Hmm. That was like 4 weeks ago! A four week vacation?! What is this? Europe? Ya, I think they should've stalled this show for another 2 years to sort of de-kink it a bit more. $100 million dollars should be able to go a little further I should think…

I do. Only cuz she was really annoying and 1D tho… My kind of henchwoman!

Uhm. But, she doesn't actually eat actual food does she? Hmm. Some questions….

No. No it's not.

The spunky tech lady that got choked out. Doesn't anyone miss her? Wonder maybe where she is? Was she that 1 Dimensional in her outside of work life that no one cares she is missing? Like a friend or family member might think to call her JP like robot world job and see if she's around? Alive? No? Cool.

All good questions. Especially the lab camera thing and of course why the hell we watched it. Butya, It's like the fucking Catholic Church round there. And the old trope of just gingerly fucking a robot with loud music in headphones while something drastic is unwittingly happening behind so they can't hear it?

Will Maeve have to plug in every once in a while to recharge? Or is she like a free energy machine?