
“You don’t want to know what happens at the bottom of those piles.”

It was a good day I didn’t get crushed by an A.K.

Courtney Love, Beck and Hanson are currently in protective custody until the guy from the New Radicals is located.

Hello Cleveland!

The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.

He’s a coma surviving, ambulance-ridin, doctors orders abidin’, nurse kissing, still-alive son-of-a-bitch!

Defective condom?

Eerie, Indiana. Not a place, but a state of mind...

Given today’s exchange rates, he should be on staff for roughly 40 incidents of rape. So there’s that.

The same claim can be made for Life of Brian vs. Holy Grail.

Blazing Saddles is greater than Young Frankenstein. If for no other reason than having a larger point to make. YF for all it’s chops is just a fun little parody/pastiche. BS is making a statement - an important statement even 43 years later.