
I fancy myself to be a bit of a graphic designer, here’s a sample of my professional portfolio from my time at Saleen

Mr2 spider. S2k


Those speedometers earned the name “Claybrook Speedometers” in Detroit and the auto magazines then. My ‘80 Mk1 Rabbit (Golf) had one.

there were always stories of top gear murdering cars they had to test. absolute destruction on their part.

Obviously Ford didn’t.

This just in: due to cost cutting, the brakes on the Ford focus rs will be made from returned Samsung galaxy note 7 smart phones.

Nah that’s a taHOE


Did you read my comment?

They link to the article in question in the Related Stories section, so they’re probably aware. This is the TG review, which is different.

One day when (if?) they unveil this thing at an auto show, we’ll do a Jalopnik Video that’s just me and Raph weeping in front of it for a straight hour.


Jesus Christ, no one tell Argentina.

Mazda did make a NB coupe, but it’s Japan-only and they only made about 179-ish before a factory fire put an end to that.

A Miata coupe is like a Cadillac concept car or mid-engined Corvette getting built, never.

Fiat Customer Service: Our customers keep complaining about sun exposure while they wait for a tow truck on the side of the road. What should we do about this?

Its been a long fucking time of false promises Mazda.

I told this person that even though I can’t assist with this one, would he be open to me pubbing this list on Jalop and having the community weigh in.

This dude sounds insufferable. I hope he steps on Legos every morning.