
This is terrible. Just reaching the prime of life and to have it snuffed out in an instant, I can’t even fathom that. Also, the teenager dying is sad as well.

With an exposed tranny at least you'll know why you’re shifter doesn't want to work.

The prices of surviving cars have nothing to do with the value of the one you would have wrapped around a tree in the 70's.

question: if you need a Ford GT to get a new Ford GT does selling your existing Ford GT in order to pay for your new Ford GT after you get the letter saying you can buy the new Ford GT revoke your ability to purchase the new Ford GT since you are no longer in possession of the old Ford GT when you take delivery of the

I know, right? I’ve flown to Ryanair’s Milan destination (ie, Orio al Serio) a couple of times (it was handier than Linate or Malpensa for the purposes of these trips). It’s around 70km from Milan. How they can call it Milan is amazing. It’s also a shame because I personally much prefer Bergamo as a city than Milan,

Guessing this was a Planes and Coffee event, was this 737-400 Mustang?

I love RWB for nothing else but the simple fact that they get purists all riled up. I’ve always said Porsches are boring cars. They just are. That’s my opinion of course but I have never felt any kind of reaction to a Porsche. Yet for some strange reason I love tuned Porsches. It’s like someone took the shackles off

I really don’t like these cars, but they do have the unexpected knock-on effect of making a stock 911 more valuable, so it’s not all bad.

My guess is they’re riffing on the 404...

the only downside is the syclone wouldn’t beat the Ferrari around a track where it belongs. this would however:

Now playing

You don’t need a Syclone, just ask Luca Cordero di Montezemollo about the time a black Golf GTI beat his yellow 348 in a traffic light race.

I vote we ban you from Jalopnik

Heh, he said “Hyundai” and “performance”

Didn’t need to watch the video (or even read the headline), if he regularly posts videos to YouTube, yet still holds his phone in portrait mode when shooting video, that tells me all I need to know about him.

At least Guy has one car in there that isn’t yellow...

Of course they’re all matching theme white... horrible. He’s Guy Fieri - UK Edition