
I like playwrights that *don’t* die...

And here I thought that Shakespeare guy is doing an amazing job and getting recognized more and more.

But also, why the hell would a juice press need four tons of force? Is it juicing granite boulders or some shit?

Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said.

Every day I hate Bernie and his bros more and more. The entitlement around Bernie and the DNC is mind boggling. That somehow a dude who has contributed nothing in his entire career to the democratic party is supposed to come in and get equal treatment to a woman who worked her entire adult life in the organization

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

eeeeepp...I think that some advanced sexting, like i’m into some kinky shit but I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing those kinks right off the bat. He had me with the vibrator torture stuff, then after that it got a little creepy.

I’m surprised Jolie admitted she doesn’t have a complicated beauty regimen. While that may be true, she also can afford not to do that stuff herself. She has the money and resources to maintain her looks in so many other ways. Money might not buy happiness but it does buy an amazing body, gorgeous skin, and a crew of

Yeah I’m so sick of people defending them: ‘oh they were economically anxious’. You don’t vote in favor of someone who openly despises people of color, women and poor people and then get to claim that you did it out of self preservation. Vote with the common good in mind, not just your own selfish needs. We’re in a

Those lazy brown folk who are the same ones taking away all the jobs.

I love how “working-class” is a term to mean white and employed in manufacturing, repair services, energy production, agricultural production, or police and emergency services. God bless those people. They’re the salt of the earth.

Yes yes yes. These dumbasses thought Obamacare was something different from the ACA and now that they have learned it’s the same fucking thing, suddenly it’s “don’t take away my healthcare!” They were fine taking it away from the mythical lazy negroes and Mexicans, though, of course.

Wrong! There is a conservative argument for a guaranteed minimum income. It sets a standard against which a minimum wage competes rather than having it set arbitrarily by the government. Getting enough money to stay above the poverty line is not the life most people want. A GMI merely provides a safety net to keep

Basic income doesn’t mean that everyone gets to be a millionaire or even necessarily comfortable. It just means they won’t starve to death and won’t be homeless.

The other solution that I didn’t mention earlier, because it’s currently politically unfeasible, is to implement universal income and let people have the basics that they need to live and then let them decide if they want to take up a new job if they want to have a better life.

Thank you, HamNo. People want to resist globalization, automation, gentrification, etc, but they are unstoppable. They have too many upsides for too many people for them to be turned back. Instead of resistance at all costs, we should be embracing the positives of these things and doing our best to manage the

Sorry, pox on both your houses doesn’t play here. Democrats are simply less evil than Republicans. It’s a fact.

I’m hoping we can keep up this level of disappointment and anger among people for the next 17 months so we can harness it for 2018 midterm elections!

repeal and replace this administration.