
What’s hilarious about all of this is that if you take him at his word (i.e. that Obamacare is a horrible system that is hurting people), then he’s essentially willing to saddle America with terrible healthcare out of SPITE.

verrrrry interesting to consider that a poll came out today saying that only 17% of Americans aprove of this stupid thing anyway

how you gonna threaten me with a gift, don?

It’s amazing how neatly this (depressingly common) opinion showcases how we consider men the default and women a weird aberration.

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

This is where President Trump always comes out ahead on these exchanges (at least in the eyes of the people who vote for him). A person making an attempt at intellectual honesty says something like “there’s no evidence that...”. That’s responsible. It’s very hard to prove 100% that something didn’t happen. So

This is insulting to children and babies.

Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

I’m not going to lie, I’d be pretty stoked about $200K. The idea of making $418K a day is making my head spin a little. What the hell do you even spend it on? Where does it go? Do you dive into piles like Scrooge McDuck?

Don’t answer. I don’t really want to know.

I’m trying to imagine what my spouse and I would need to do to make $418K a year. Even if it was in 2005 dollars, that would be an entirely different existence.


This shit has been going on for years:

It’s weird to me how young his hands look compared to his face. That’s the opposite of many people I know.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Any leader who calls a free and independent press “the enemy of the people” is an existential threat to democracy.

Whyyyy am I persecuted!?

Here’s a bright clue; maybe stop bringing her on your TV shows, media. The more you give her a mouthpiece, the more shit will spew out, just like with Kellyanne Conway. And whatever happened to Katrina Pierson? I guess there could only be one asshole woman as the public face of Trump at a time.

“The coronation is over. The people of King’s Landing do not care about the Lannisters’ debts.”

“If the reverse of this movie was made, I bet you snowflakes would be crying racism.”