
Fun fact the doctors, researchers and government would prefer you not know - places where medical and/or recreational marijuana is legal have lower opioid addiction and overdose rates. Research also shows that medical cannabis reduces opioid dependency in individual patients, controls the pain well and improves

I find it interesting and somewhat dismaying that the very groups that are so worried about transgendered people peeing, they are ignoring the glaringly obvious. Sexual assault on women is almost always by a cis male. Period.

What is with these Republicans and their obsession with Nazis and concentration camps? Everything with them is Nazi this and camps that and Hitler the other thing. Seems like some wishful thinking on their part.


Those really are overly complicated. I think Kim just saw a photo in that style, decided she liked it and now wants them all to look like that until she sees something else the likes.

This piece was brilliant. Especially the end where she is looking in the mirror and sees daddy.

Translation: “No wealthy white people will be affected.”

“Kellyann Conway was just on GMA (Why? Why is anyone giving her airtime????) and was claiming millions of people got off Obamacare bc they hated it.”

I hate to contradict Joe Biden, but given the Republican attitude that health care is only for those who can afford it without help, it is obvious that the GOP could not care less about cancer unless it affects a wealthy white male.

There is no law requiring the release of tax returns for a candidate. In fact, law provides pretty much the opposite: a guarantee of confidentiality of tax returns.

Just remember that Mike Pence approves of this torture based “therapy” for LGBTQ. And he has the authority under President Cheeto Stain to do something about it. As a cautionary note, impeaching Trump gets us Pence - a man who believes in tormenting people in the name of the illegitimate son of the invisible man in

Great. OJ can join Mike Tyson on the list of “why the fuck are they giving these violent convict assholes all this happy happy joy joy bullshit.”

Agreed. It seems like a nice product, but “Fracture” is like naming a snack food “Salmonella.”

Agreed. It seems like a nice product, but “Fracture” is like naming a snack food “Salmonella.”

Here is what you need to know: The stronger a “christian” politician pushes “family values,” the more likely they are to be banging someone other than their spouse and usually on the government’s dime. And the way more likely that are to lie about it until confessing tearfully to “failing my family and my church,”

That is true about needing Congress, but we would not have gotten a climate change denying EPA head and an administration that sees clean air and water as optional.

What color ribbon does one wear for the Glastonbury Massacre? 

Well, Congressman Asshat, let me explain reality. I have epilepsy and an iPhone6. I also just had my annual EEG and full exam. that cost me more than the phone and 3 months of service.

No CBO score on a budget bill*? I am pretty sure that they are going to have to let CBO score this before a vote if they follow - as Lyin’ Ryan says - the “regular order.”I do recall the last time CBO was allowed to vote on a repeal and replace bill. The analysis said 20 million lose their insurance, the repeal