
A galaxy of stars for that!

Because most core Democratic policies (back when they had core policies) were not at all socialistic. Most were about building a strong middle class. Better minimum wage, safe workplace, quality education, equal opportunity, worker protections all are about a better middle class.

“Rep. Chris Collins, who sits on the Energy Committee, told the news outlet that “unfortunately,” the bill might have to be voted on before the CBO gets to see it.”

Fuck. Mel. Gibson.

“As of now, the FBI doesn’t have enough information to determine whether or not this is a hate crime.”

Thanks Ashley. For some reason, that made me smile today. And decide to have some of that good soup for lunch while reading the New York Times online (in honor of Trump and Cruz’s love for the paper.)

I was wondering that myself.

One neighbor, Paul Evanko, told the Stamford Advocate that he understands how serious the incident is, but still hopes that the word gets covered soon.

Nicely turned. Other artists should take note of this, take their money and use it as they would never allow.

Thanks for saying this. The actual Trump infected world is horrifying enough. I am not going to watch something to make it worse. In fact, these days, if it is not funny, we don’t watch it.

Not to be a bad host, but as the sign at the entrance says, “No Houseguests.”

“You know, Paul, neither of us has ever had a real job or done much, and yet, here we are running a continent.”

And particularly when the vice president believes in forced “conversion therapy,” also known to Pence’s hate filled bible thumping ilk as “torturing the gay right out of them.”

I love the expression on her face. It is the perfect expression of white, wealthy, arrogant disdain and horror at coming into contact with regular non-white, non-wealthy people.

“Congratulations to Melania for acknowledging her new job.”

This article should be about Mitch McConnell who has had Senile Dementia for years and getting worse. Watch when people talk to him. He goes totally blank.

Good for President Obama! It is about time he had some serious fun after 8 years of hell. (here)

They expect the cowards Republicans cowards to actually vote against Der Leader?

It is still a sad statement that we have to tell men that rape is wrong.

Why do we need to remind athletes not to rape? I am really tired of that concept. “We’ll have some training sessions on not raping.” Really? Does that sound even sane to anyone?