No need to apologize for speaking your mind. My heart goes out to you and your husband.
No need to apologize for speaking your mind. My heart goes out to you and your husband.
I would hazard a guess there are none in his department.
Oh, my. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad and the rest of your year. Mom used to say that everything happened for a good reason. I do so hope that this is true for you.
So this is where we are. A court of law has ruled that discrimination against LGBT people by the government of Louisiana is perfectly Constitutional despite ruling after ruling to the opposite, including from the Supreme Court.
No, they did not “literally rig our elections.” They are said to have (we are still awaiting actual evidence and not leaked reports) interfered in the campaign with illegally obtained e-mails. I have no doubt that they did hack those accounts and did release those e-mails. But that is not the same as voting.
How did both of those egos fit into one elevator?
Wait. I thought Cosby was effectively blind (bullshit defense number 271 from this lying motherfucker). So how could he see to joke?
I’m not your pal, friend.
Thanks for the correction. I had not looked at the 12th Amendment.
It is top five and every state only gets one vote. It must happen immediately upon the counting of the electoral votes, so there won’t be time for any politicking. The Constitution is pretty clear.
Ah. Thanks!
Well that is sad. I am a frequent commenter here and do not troll. How is any of what I said trolling? I thought we were engaging in a discussion.
I never said do not investigate, but he is not currently president and therefore the emoluments clause (which every president since Washington has violated in one way or another) is not at issue yet. As to the stock shorts, I have no idea about that, but it is not illegal as long as he is not doing it and he owns no…
Who said doing nothing? I am organizing to fight to keep the rights we have. Why am I not in this Quixotic electoral fight? Because Trump will be sworn in. That will not change. And once he is, we need to be ready to defend our rights. Fighting now to no avail will only cause people to give up and go home. Save it for…
Trump published a list of potential nominees in September. Here it is. Trump may be a lot of things, but he is not stupid or uninformed. Thinking that is an error since it will eventually lead to not paying adequate attention to him.
The election in the House is by state. Each state gets one vote and it has to happen immediately after the Electoral College is counted. They can ply choose from the top five electoral finishers.* The result of an election in the House would likely be the same as the general election - Trump.
I don’t like it at all, but he is who won the election and I respect the office and the process. Not the man, though.
As I said, I respect your opinion, but impeachment or flipping the election in the Electoral College cause more problems than they solve.
For the record, I voted for Hillary helped her here in South Florida and deeply despise Trump, but am not willing to go to these unconstitutional lengths. It is just wrong. The rules were in place for this election before any candidate signed up. Trying to alter them after the election is just flat out wrong. We…
Correct on the House having to choose one of the top five in the electoral count. That said, the damage that effectively overturning an election would cause would make whatever Trump might do look fairly not as bad.