
Odds are strongly against a nuclear armageddon, but strongly say that Mike Pence will take away your rights if he can. He does to care about being hated as long as the illegitimate son of the invisible man in the sky is good with his form of oppression.

W was nowhere near the religious whack job that Pence is. Bush talked about it. Pence forced it on Indiana.

Several people have said this and I have to respectfully disagree. Pence may be giving lots of advice and be the key advisor like Cheney to Bush, but a lot of the power is president only and cannot be delegated. Trump will not willingly or easily surrender power to anyone, unlike Bush. Impeaching and convicting Trump

No, but he will for a hand job from any evangelical or other “christian.”

The Constitution does not give the House that option. They must choose from one of the top 5 candidates. Since there are only 2 with electoral votes, then they are constrained to those 2 unless another candidate gets even one electoral vote. They they are viable for the House to select. Keep in mind, the vote in the

I don’t know about that, but I do know he will sneakily try to reverse all gains on gay rights (including same sex marriage), women’s reproductive rights, voting rights and civil rights.


I am not good with impeachment because of Pence. I would rather have the loudmouth than the sneaky little shit. At least Trump will always announce his assaults on rights. Pence will creep up in the middle of the night and just take them.

Mandate won’t matter once he takes the oath of office. The powers of the presidency are the same regardless of the size of the victory. The only thing that tossing the election to the House does is further divide and demoralize the people. Otherwise, it accomplishes nothing except a pyrrhic victory of sorts.

Just a cautionary note - should the Electoral College not cast 270 for any one candidate or end in a tie, the House of Representatives elects the president with each state getting 1 vote. Guess who they will choose.

1) It was not “stolen.” After WWII, the land was divided. They chose not to accept and fled on the advise of the Arab Council which promised the destruction of Israel. Their refugee status was confirmed by the UN after the 1948 was in which all of the Arab states attacked Israel with the sole intent of destruction.

That is a ridiculous generalization and things like that are why there is no possibility of an actual conversation. Bannon and his followers are a blight on the face of the earth. I wanton part of that anti-semitic scum.

Another reason that we as a nation should stop with the executions. It is state sanctioned killing matter how you do the math and it is irrevocable. And there are a growing number of incidents like this that show the inmate suffering - actually physically suffering - before death. That is just ghastly and

I hope we can respectfully and politely disagree on this, which is OK.

Hamas and Hezbollah are terror organizations. They represent nobody. The elected Palestinian Authority should be the ones at the table. They are the true representatives of the Palestinians. And they are willing to negotiate except for the Hamas and Hezbollah knives constantly at their backs threatening them if they

A) No, I am not naive. I am a60 year old Jew who has been to Israel, knows both Arabs and Israelis and has a fairly nuanced opinion that finds neither side to be totally right or wrong. I do believe that the vast majority of Palestinians and Israelis just want peace.

Remove the two terror organizations - Hamas and Hezbollah - that dominate Palestinian politics and you will find that negotiations are quick and to everyone’s satisfaction. That is the primary thing Israel keeps asking for - an end to the rocket and terror attacks.

Correct you are. However, too many “anti-Zionists” are actually anti-semites in the same way that too many Trump supporters are actually racists.

I am not defending the settlements, although I am not convinced they are illegal. What I am saying is that a lot of the people who are BDS are also anti-semitic and it gives them great cover. Not all of them, but enough to be a concern.