800 for the tertiary.
800 for the tertiary.
900 for the secondary pun.
1000 bonus stars for a great pun!
Again, I am reacting to the stories on these pages. If you have other information, then pleas share it so people can get things right. But until you can get over yourself and stop the insults, we’re done here.
I think you need to learn not to just insult everyone you disagree with. Read the story. My comment is based in the story.
Ask the writer what that meant. I have to assume it is based on facts and not just one person’s opinion.
To be even fairer, I guess they really are that deeply religious. Read it here.
You really need to deal with your addiction to insults. I suggest thinking happy thoughts and stepping away from the keyboard.
It is a mismatched analogy to compare what US “christians” call religious and what I was referencing. In the US, so-called ‘christians” are trying to create a nation governed by their 2000 year old book of myths and legends by simply making up the concept of the US as a “Christian Nation.” It is not except in their…
He did indeed fly home every night for much of the campaign until fairly recently. That spray tan does not maintain itself.
No. Just no. Not even in Key West during Fantasy Fest.
I guess that means neither of them can legally use a public restroom in their beloved North Carolina.
Thanks for the info. Their ruling vacating McDonnell’s conviction turned on the jury instructions being erroneous as to what constituted bribery under the statute.
“The only fact of Henry’s that I couldn’t dig up involved Smith and Birkhead writing messages to each other in lipstick on a mirror.”
“This prosecution, based on information provided by someone of utterly unreliable credibility, seeks to criminalize conduct that the Supreme Court of the United States recently found to be not unlawful,”
I saw that interview and I think what Governor Bigot was trying to hide behind was innocent until proven guilty, which is not a “right” at all. As public employees engaged in publicly directed work IN PUBLIC PLACES, they have precisely zero reasonable expectation of privacy.
As an aside, actual news organization CNN suspended Lewandowski today for still taking money from Trump.
Great. Just great. What next? Dogs and cats living together?
“Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”