A galaxy of stars for this post!
A galaxy of stars for this post!
Once I read the story, this song just locked itself into my head:
Well you know, football uber alles.
Polite and respectful means skipping the insults and declarations. I do not recall ever once saying that you are not entitled to your opinion. In fact I went out of my way to point out that I did respect them. Polite and respectful does not mean things like: “I’m not sure to what end you think your points serve but…
I had hoped this would end up being a polite and respectful conversation, but alas, not to be. While I do not agree with you, I have expressed respect for your opinions. Apparently you do not feel the same.
Yes, I do know that. And I responded directly in that I do not blame voters for voting their choices. That is what the whole system is about, right? If you choose to blame the voters, then that is your absolute right, and I respect it even though I disagree.
“Women have equal rights”
While I agree to an extent, the truth is that in this election cycle, the media has not dug into anything. And they have not seriously dug into wither of these candidates in a meaningful way.
The nation has always been filled with bigots as has humanity. They are in the minority and getting to be smaller in numbers, but louder.
I live in South Florida. Here, a green light is triggered by just going and ignoring what color the light really was.
“The “us against them” mentality is tired and played out.”
That saying was only popular on sinking ships.
It is the fact that so little of the electorate voted in the primaries in large part due to the insane calendar the parties dictate that is the problem.
Actually as No Party Affiliation I expressed my opinion of both parties years ago. That does not take away my right to complain about it.
Why I am supposed to care about Powell’s e-mails? Because he said stuff about Hillary and the Orange Menace?
It is not the nation that failed with these 2 candidates.
You mean other than the thousands of years of history?
I’m not sure whether to applaud these women for making the men listen or slam the administration for following the sad “men first” thing.
I have been buying Apple products for over 30 years and there is precisely one rule: NEVER be the first to buy/download/update. Wait at least one if not two iterations.
Yes, it’s bullshit, but let’s be fair. Did anyone really expect her to say, “My father is a tiny handed corpulent mass of orange tinted flesh that requires a team of physicians and several electroshocks every morning. The doctors think it is only the spray tan that keeps him going.”