She was on her way to the nearest candy bar. Robbie’s weed has the heavy munch factor.
She was on her way to the nearest candy bar. Robbie’s weed has the heavy munch factor.
“Quick question: what the hell does a “drug recognition expert” have to do to determine that a car full of women were stoned?”
I can’t disagree with 16.
“how did we get here?”
I am not even vaguely bothered by the ones tossed at Coulter - and everyone else on that stage - at the roast. That is how they work. It is how they have worked since Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller did them.
Might I suggest: Reprehensible. Vile. Nauseating. Loathsome. Detestable.
I hate to burst the bubble, but Bondi is even more teflon that Trump.
Not a joke. That is what the fund raising is for. Voldemort has designs on Bill Nelson’s - the only statewide elected Democrat left in Florida - Senate seat and Philandering Pam (2 marriages personally destroyed by her and counting!) wants the governor’s job.
Pam Bondi is perhaps one of the most openly corrupt attorneys general we have ever had. She is disdainful of her actual job - enforcing the laws and constitution of this eternally fucked up state - so she can do the bidding the for far right via the Republican Attorney General’s Association. She has sued the federal…
“Imagine being so arrogant as to think you could pull something like this off and then fail so spectacularly.”
I was going to snark about it until I read your post. Definitely a needed thing.
I agree on the shuttle, but NASA could launch those same supply runs without Elon Musk. The shuttle was killed because of this private enterprise capability. Oh, we are still dumping millions into Soyuz to launch both supplies and people to the ISS.
It is not risk aversion. It is a tightwad Congress that thinks science is generally a bad thing.
I agree. The normal supply runs are probably better served by private enterprise, but that was the excuse for killing the shuttle program and downsizing NASA to an almost ineffective size. As it stands now, there is almost no real space program in the US.
“I knew as a follower of Christ I needed to take quick and decisive action, and I did,” Kintner said in a statement.”
This is a natural hazard of space exploration and as long as the troglodytes in Congress think NASA is a waste of money and persists in turning it over to private business, this is going to happen as they cut corners and try to save a dime.
It is about time that they got around to investigating the living conditions of a child whose parent is a known sexual offender.Even if he is rich, famous and married to power.
I hate trade shows and conventions for just this reason. Hugs. Everyone wants to hug like they’re related or something. Just smile, wave and move the fuck on. Or, more to how I feel after a day of that:
Ah, Burning Man, where overprivileged maroons spend $390 each plus $80 to park for the privilege of being a background prop for even wealthier people in a desert.
Um, because she saw the photo and was personally touched on her son’s behalf. Also because her son tends to get shunned at school and this made her happy.