
Actually, don’t fuck them. Otherwise you might have to have their babies.

“I used to think that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ was the American way. But now social media makes that decision for you,” says Whoopi. “People are at a disadvantage in a way that they weren’t before; you don’t really seem to be able to have your own opinion about something.”

It is also a separate violation for a person convicted of either felony or misdemeanor domestic violence to purchase or possess a firearm.

“If we were physiologically—not mentally, emotionally, professionally equal to men—if we were physiologically as strong as men, rape would not exist. You would be able to defend yourself and fight him off,” she said during the discussion, even though rape had not once been brought up.”

This is what happens when people think just electing the president is enough. You end up with Ryan and McConnell holding pregnant women currently or in danger of contracting Zika hostage to get to defund Planned Parenthood.

Thanks for the kind words.

A voice shouts back:

“Do they just sit in a room passing legislation that they know endears them to their base even if they know its useless?”

“Or maybe addressing the looming sea level rise?”

And Katrina is worse than Scottie who earned an SNL sketch all to herself.

Actually, the decision not to appeal more likely had to do with the number of failed court efforts Voldemort and Fla. Attorney General Pam “Bellatrix Estrange” Bondi have had since they defeated Dumbledore took office.

Good point.

Indeed you did not call it dumb. And, to be honest, whether it is one religion or several, it is still wrong to call out the religious aspect of the practice and make the assumption that all women are forced to it. They are not.

I do not feel its is appropriate for me to comment on how another person exhibits their faith - especially given that I do not share any of them.

It may be ridiculous, but, based on her own words, it is also somewhat true.

I am aware of the current metrics used for social media, but, given the nature of social media, what is missing are demographics. Clicks, click-throughs, likes, follows, shares views and such are good measures, but not truly objective or measurable in a meaningful way. At least not for the purpose of buying

I am not sure I see your point there. Religious orthodoxy has and always has had that flavor of disapproval of others, but this is the French government we’re talking about.

“I considered that unacceptable for hygienic reasons and unwelcome given the general situation.”

It is a shame that he wasn’t really given a chance to adjust the show - or adequate promotion - to improve the ratings. Although, to be honest, anything against Colbert and Fallon is going to struggle.

The cat’s attitude: