Someone posted Pennsylvania law in this thread stating that intoxication is not an acceptable defense for crimes in good old PA.
Someone posted Pennsylvania law in this thread stating that intoxication is not an acceptable defense for crimes in good old PA.
Thank you for that info. I suspect you are right about their desire to protest their record more than the people they are sworn to protect.
You’re the one waving it off based on what? She was in a bar? She allowed a hug? The licking was accidental?
Even if the DA believes both sides, drunkenness is not an excuse for sexual assault. Ever.
It is just another in the long, sad chain or proof that women are nowhere near equally protected by law.
There is no question of intent when one person gropes another without consent. And being drunk is never an excuse for a crime. His state of mind is not relevant in that this is a physical crime and one that was waved off by the DA with the lame excuse of drunkenness.
The DA says now - after this story broke and only in response to a journalist- that they are still investigating. The victim was obviously told that there would be no charges by someone in that office.
As far as I can determine, he never admitted anything except being drunk and there are no charges at this point.
No. In almost every crime, lack of knowledge of the law is not a defense. And being drunk is never an acceptable defense...except in Philly.
Not at all. The difference is that it is difficult to show intent on sending an e-mail. Without something clearly saying “I intend to violate the rules,” intent is hard to prove in that case. (Whether or not intent was needed is a different issue not really germane to this thread).
“She said that the office declined to prosecute because her attacker was “drunk and they ‘can’t prove’ he knew I wasn’t consenting.””
Staying with the metaphor: They ran out of bullets after the final Benghazi inquisition. They already threw the gun when the DNC e-mails hit. Now they are throwing the box the gun came in. Next they will be making spitballs out of the receipt.
So the purported human who founded Bullshit Mountain is now helping the talking heap of flaming candy corn to win over women voters by groping them one at a time while insulting the only woman on the stage. Yeah, that’ll work.
Pity Party Lane. The next stop is Pity Party Lane.
Fixed it:
I was not referring to the GOP led nonsense expedition called Benghazi. That was a titanic waste of time and money. I believe that the GOP Congressional leadership should be forced to reimburse the taxpayers for the millions they wasted in endless hearings all of which resulted in no news or revelation. They have lied…
Objectivity would point out that both sides engage is propaganda and spinning. It is what campaigns do.
Actually, according to law enforcement he did not. I am not happy about having to defend Lewandowski here, but we have a system of justice. She filed charges and then they were dropped by the prosecutor as not valid. Let’s at least stick to the facts. Assault is a crime. A crime for which there are no charges, no…
And that is your entire reason that Lewandowski is bad and Begala is good? Really?
It is what it is - murder. “Definitive prevention” is just as easily achieved by locking them away. Charles Manson hasn’t killed anyone since he went to prison. Do prisoners sometimes kill each other? Yes. Is that a good cause to just outright kill them in advance just in case they might? No.