

As a native Floridiot let me just say: You’re Welcome, America.

So do other people and they do not get that tax break. I know people that have offices on both coasts. They do not get that tax break.

There is a massive difference between jailed and killed.

This is the point at which, in the past, I would have jumped in with an explanation of the law, how background checks work, the word “adjudicated” in the law, the need to change it and so on.

Isn’t “NBC Sucks” somewhat redundant?

While I disagree with you, I do respect your opinion and appreciate the civil conversation.

OK. I see your point on the ACA and stand corrected. And I think it is unfair to require you or anyone to use the exchanges versus other insurance methods. Thanks for the accurate and corrective info. I appreciate that.

I am not making that argument. My point is that murder is murder - sanctioned or not. It is not a “justified homicide” in that there was no self-defense. It is a state ordered killing. Nothing more or less and certainly neither noble or appropriate.

Actually, there is somewhat of a difference in the policies and costs to Congress versus everyone else. How me not knowing the law caused Congress to have to use the exchanges is an elusive point at best. Oh, I do not get my insurance from the exchanges. I have an agent and an individual policy.

I cannot answer who the arbiter of who lives and dies is since I personally do not believe that an invisible man in the sky directs all actions on earth. But I firmly believe that we (humanity) are not that arbiter. There is minimal difference between murder and death penalty. Both are planned and have the explicit

So since they are not employees they are fair game? Really?

I must disagree. “He deserves it,” is not an excuse for murder. What human is the arbiter of who deserves to die or not? Did we not just convict this person of doing just that?

I respectfully refuse to accept that. The fact that some humans are awful does not mean all of us have to stoop to their level.

As awful as this person’s crimes were, I cannot in conscience fail to comment that the death penalty is just wrong. Yes, he killed who knows how many women. Yes, he is as vile as a man can be. No, he cannot be rehabilitated.

Both parties and Congress have avoided creating said policies. Congress is explicitly exempted from most workplace laws and regulations. The parties are not. Yet they act as if they are. Imagine if it was revealed that an airline had no sexual assault policy for between employees. How loud would the Congress and

Congress is exempt from almost every workplace law and regulation. Employees have virtually none of the protections most workers have. They have a tax break for a second home that nobody else gets. They had exempted themselves from the Affordable Care Act until they got caught lying about it.

Sadly, this is pretty much the same as Congress who routinely exempts themselves from all manner of laws, regulations and taxes. And despite the excellent nominee they have, the party was run by members of Congress until a couple of weeks ago.

I trip all the time, sometimes over nothing. Thank goodness gravity still works or I would really be a mess.