
I root for the referees, judges and umpires. They have no fans, but work just as hard.

No. In fact I don’t have a problem as long as the network discloses it. I don’t expect the politicians to be honest. It doesn’t matter which candidate. It is a matter of full disclosure and nothing else.

I am not sure if she is stopping, but she has never been anything less than forthcoming about her connection to the campaigns. She was also the first to call the mess at the DNC “stupidity.”

It is not at all irrelevant. Begala is very clear that he is in communication with the candidate on a regular basis. He has been a long time supporter and friend. And - for the record - I have no problem with having people like Begala and Lewandowski on these panels as long as they are clearly identified as paid

That is a difference without a distinction. The line between campaigns and PACs is less real than unicorns.

I agree that Lewandowski is despicable, but he is hardly the only CNN “analyst” currently advising a campaign. Paul Begala runs the largest of the pro-Hillary PACs. I personally have no problem with campaign people on the networks as long as they are clearly identified. They are particularly skeevy about this with the

“You only have to look at most of the women on air at Fox to believe they are, at least, partners in their own objectification.”

Of course he does and he wants living people executed killed even faster. Are there trimesters on Death Row?

As a lifelong Floridian, let me extend an invitation to Senator Rubio to move the fuck away from here to a place more in keeping with his views on women. I’m thinking Saudi Arabia is a good match.

Historically, Rubio has been on the edge financially. I am not sure where he is at now financially, but I do know that he remains morally and ethically bankrupt with zero assets in either compassion or empathy.

“How do you explain the choices these schools are making?”

“To the best of my knowledge, there’s no duty to report if you are — if you are a third-party to some allegation... You know, that lies with the person who has firsthand knowledge.”

“I feel shallow”

I see how one can take it that way, but I respectfully have to disagree. There are certainly times when those words are sexist, but in this context I do not see it that way. I see it as relatively accurate - in this context.

Finally a pundit that tells it exactly like it is. Of course, it took a woman to get there, because none of the parade of men (except Zakaria) has had the balls to say that. Even though she’s a Republican, she wins today’s prize for the most stunningly honest statement.

So basically Eastwood went with the only thing worse than an empty chair.

The article is excellent and quite funny. I loved “Despite my numerous protestations, shouted into the void of my empty apartment,” but the burger itself?

What exactly (other than to sow doubt and as more of that soft racism they are so fond of) is the purpose of releasing college transcripts and why do the Republicans keep demanding it when they won’t release this?

One would certainly think so.

“As a proud Republican, casting my vote for president has usually been a simple matter.”