
How will I tell my towels apart now? Damn you Trump!

I have no words.

Hmm. A Republican treating women like free treats at the club. Imagine that.

I thought you had replied to me. I did initially use the word precedent. I meant it then and now, but not in the tight legal sense of the word. I meant it in the normal non-legal usage as in ‘this has happened before and the world did not end.’

I respect your opinion, but I disagree. There is point - measurable in years - when it is time for a person to retire and make room for the next generation. We have a government comprised of a stunning number of people who are significantly elderly.

She was not wrong. Supreme Court Justices are not held to that standard. If she was wrong, so was Scalia. He commented on matters that were headed to the court. He hunted with Cheney despite the obvious potential for conflict of interest. And Scalia was also not wrong.

I was not trying to establish a precedent and I really wish people would stop saying that. I clearly said Scalia weighed on politics. RBG weighed in on politics - which right now is this sad election choice we have.

McConnell and Reid have been running the Senate for way too long. Their leadership is faulty and they are no longer current with the society in general. The fact that there is no mandatory retirement leads to things like a fossilized Senate - which is exactly what we have now. An institution run by two very old men

That is my opinion. I feel that people are staying too long in the positions and not progressing or growing with the society. But, that is just my opinion.

Younger judges and elected officials would allow government to change and grow with the society. The Senate is a perfect example. The leadership there is the same as it was 15 years ago and nothing - nothing! - has changed.

I believe that at a certain time (I am no expert on a specific age) it is time to retire and allow the next generation in. Since it is most likely my generation I am talking about retiring, I get to say this.

I am aware they were friends. I am not pushing any animosity. I am making the point that they both opined on politics publicly.

The question is did the comments address a case currently before the court or likely to come before the court. And that answer is no.

Oh, FFS, please give me a break with that racist/misogynist sanctimony based on some 2000 year old book of myths and legends.

What’s with the pickle? (sorry, could not resist)

True, but rights are rights.

She is no more or less an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court than Scalia, Roberts, or any other. They all share the same ethics rules. As to individual expectations of any one person, I have no comment.

I don’t really agree there. The question is have other justices commented on politics and the answer is yes. Most recently Justice Scalia did just that. The other question to ask is did that reflect an issue likely to come before the court.

Maybe we need younger justices. Still qualified and accomplished, but my generation (60 plus) should not be running the country. A younger leadership is needed if we are to ever move past our own past.