
I am in South Florida where air conditioning is pretty much the state appliance. However, we also use ceiling and floor fans to minimize the A/C settings. So you were only half wrong.

That is not at all accurate. The cost problem is all colleges and universities not just state schools. The University of Florida has not seen a real budget cut in decades. Yet they are exempted from tuition increase reviews, and keep increasing tuition. Florida International University has had budget increases and

Yes, I know. I appreciate the correction.

Yes. Thanks for the spelling correction.

Quoting Hermoine Granger*: “What. An. Idiot.”

Wouldn’t any plan involving free or reduced tuition be better if it also took a hard look at why college is so damned expensive? Nobody ever seems to ask that and every time government pours more money in, the colleges raise the price.

So they are going to stop visiting colleges and universities entirely, right? Does this include the US military academies?

First, that tweet is awful. Just awful.

I have never seen MIA so desolate or lonely. Oh, wait, that’s Jeb.

“Sarah Palin Unedited is a series featuring full, unaltered transcripts of one Alaskan’s public ramblings. If you only read the pull-quotes, that’s okay.”

“Given the current state of abortion laws, this seems like a minor miracle.”

Now if he had a joint in his pocket when he raped them, he would have gotten several years.

Hooray for Molly!

The giant semi-sentient mound of melted circus peanuts is riling up the countryside again.

He’s not alone.

“But if they want to see conservative policies enacted with the goal of improving quality of life for women, they will eventually have to find a candidate they can support, not just one who they oppose.”

I don’t understand how piling on him this long after he passed away is anything but a grab for clicks/ratings. My heart goes out to his family who have to now deal with this.

Yes, because the school itself ignored the situation for as long as they could. An “open secret” and supervisors knowing about it and even warning students is not the same as an official action by Yale. By their inaction the school endorsed this creep’s activities.

I don’t recall commenting on the Second Amendment except to note that it probably did not kill anyone what with it being a piece of paper and all. In fact, if you look at my history I defend all the the rights delineated in the Bill of Rights. Recently that I said that I could no longer simply defend the Second