Maybe the Second Amendment (being a piece of paper and all) didn’t kill anyone, but Governor Voldemort is sure trying to kill sick children: Read it here and here.
Maybe the Second Amendment (being a piece of paper and all) didn’t kill anyone, but Governor Voldemort is sure trying to kill sick children: Read it here and here.
“Do you think perhaps your vehement anti-theism or anti-republicanism might be clouding your judgement here?”
“A friend of Kris Humphries’s, the basketball player you might remember as Kim Kardashian’s second husband (to whom she was happily married for 72 days), spoke to Justin Bieber’s least favorite website, Hollywood Life, about how Humphries felt after seeing super sexy photos of Kim in this month’s issue of GQ.”
JE - OK, not your best, but a valiant effort. Maybe instead, “A set of four stacked talking discarded UglyDolls.” (a real thing!).
Yes I do believe that all of those leaders you named are wrong, but none of them are US Marines, and that is what this story is about. If I could prosecute every leader of every nation that promotes killing gay people (including those here in the US) , I would, but they are not in the US and these asshats are.
Yes, it does take the decision away from the woman in that she will need to get a doctor to grant her permission to decide. Step away from the defense of the OP and read the actual words.
“And? Do you think I disagree? All I’m doing is attempting to show you what the person likely meant. Not saying I support what they say.”
You cannot dismiss the first part of the statement. Nor did I ever state that a doctor should be able to override a woman’s choice. It is her choice, not the doctor’s.
“Legalities in certain states make it impossible for doctors to perform abortions in certain circumstances. I believe this person is saying the doctors should have more legal flexibility and overrule law, not the rights of woman to choose.”
Fuck the whole idea of something called a sushi donut and double fuck that Whole Paycheck tweet which includes the painful phrase, “Do-nut fret.” I checked and that pun violates the Geneva Conventions regarding torturing the language.
“I’m somewhere in the middle where a woman has a choice until it actually becomes a person (developed), but doctors should also have more flexibility to terminate these pregnancies later in the game when it becomes a toss up between the woman or the baby dying.”
Is it just me or does his sickly orange hue glow even more with every negative rating leap?
How was this misleading? She did indeed have a 32 week abortion. The difference is that her baby was not viable and she had to go through the rest of that before she had what is an abortion.
I was going to make a snarky comment, but I think I will just be relieved that the victim of the sexual assault case coming up will not have the added grief of that asshat.
You mean there are 2 of us here?
We would have also accepted “The dog ate her copy of the constitution” or “It is in the mail.”
Pam Bondi: “I was defending the constitution”