
There are a lot of rational gun owners. It is just that the far side of the issue has the loudest megaphone.

Yes I am having those conversations.

I believe I said just that.

No I do not believe that, nor do I believe it is a realistic eventuality.

Normally, I would respond with a sort of defense of gun rights and such, but I cannot anymore. Not today, not yesterday and not tomorrow.

Yep. That’s where a lot of the 9/11 hijackers came into the US from.

“No word on how it can be synthesized for humans.”

Lying christian bullshit followed by religious horse shit followed by lying self-righteous pastor hog shit.

“I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case. I wish I never was good at swimming or had the opportunity to attend Stanford, so maybe the newspapers wouldn’t want to write stories about me.”

Only because Indians really love the Donald. /sarc.

There goes my appetite and I now need to bleach my brain to get rid of the mental image that headline caused.

Well there you have it. Benicio has spoken! Shut down the investigation and destroy the evidence. The all powerful Del Toro has called it.

You didn’t say anything at all to suggest otherwise. I just wanted to point out the real damage those places do to young people. And, as you say, for nothing. When they’re done, she’ll still be gay. Hopefully, she will recover from the “treatment.”

“All because they have been fooled into believing that illegitimate son of the invisible man in the sky never said so, but the 12 cranky illiterate men who fostered the creation of the 2000 year old book of myths and legends say he said so.”

They are doing her incalculable psychological harm while telling her that her lifestyle is dirty and awful. And her parents are the enablers. The whole pray the gay away lie is one of the most cruel and damaging things done to young women and men in the name of some bullshit religion.

Her parents are surely the same type of bible thumping hypocrites that worry themselves over the “unborn”, but have no problem sending their actual living, already born daughter to a place that is effectively imprisoning her and forcing her to change who she is against her will.

“Nothing fills me with a stronger desire to kill than seeing an entitled-ass mosquito flying around, likely high off of the blood and pain of an innocent passerby.”

In all fairness, after yesterday’s primaries, it is safe to say that - barring an external event - Hillary will be the nominee.

Congratulations to Hillary for breaking a significant barrier to American women! Now on to discarding that talking melted mound of candy corn sprinkled with loose hair.

Now these are real, actual honorable men. What they did was nothing short of amazing and worthy of massive respect.