
When was it not time to ignore Piers Morgan?

And I thought the sentencing was depressing enough.

Congratulations to Savannah on the pregnancy and congratulations on being more courageous than anyone else at Comcast owned NBC by refusing to go there.

I am not going to disagree with you since I have no personal knowledge one way or the other and I have no reason to doubt what you say. I am assuming you do have personal knowledge of this issue with his campaign. This does somewhat change my opinion of Bernie, and not for the better. That said, I was never a fan of

The comparison was to point out my opinion of the reporters question. Obviously she is not staying in because of his religion or anything else. She’s winning. And she did not stay in in 2008 because of President Obama’s race. She stayed in because she wanted to win. It is that simple.

Kudos to Hillary for not immediately grabbing the AP mantle, choosing instead to wait for tomorrow’s final primaries.

I do not see how anything I said was in any way like the insults you are talking about.

I simply do not know what to say.

I did not say that, nor did I mean that, nor do I believe that. Please do not attribute your prejudices to my words.

By a reporter from the Times or by the other campaign? That does make a difference. And that remains my point. Unlike the Trump circus, neither Clinton nor Sanders has invoked this kind of sad rhetoric. It is a crying shame that it came from the Times.

So the size of the minority matters? As I just noted, my issue is with the Times reporter’s slanted, loaded question that was dripping with her own brand of sexism.

My point was that the brand of gender/racial identity nonsense that the Times reporter reflected is bad for everyone. I used that example to point it out. Did anyone ask her the same type of loaded question about Obama in 2008? No.

Publicly funded stadiums are pretty much the last refuge of the tycoon scoundrel. See Miami Marlins Park for reference on how to drain a county budget with zero votes.

What bothered me is the “standing in the way of history” remark in the reporter’s tweet. Based on that, is Hillary standing in the way of the first potential Jewish nominee?

Why am I not even vaguely surprised? Yet more proof that crimes against women remain a relatively low priority compared to important stuff like speed traps and lunch.

Well, the world is being punished by what I am sure were the father’s 45 seconds of “action" around 20 years ago.

New headline:

I have waited my entire life to not want anything do with this thing.

I understand and do not completely disagree with your sentiment, but we have to draw a line somewhere on these incidents. Rape is rape is rape. The longer we allow redefinition or lack of full prosecution in the name of anything except mental infirmity only serves to perpetuate and softly condone these crimes. And

Florida’s age of consent is 18, though the law contains a provision allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to consent to having sex with someone age 16 to 23.