I was not aware of his race until you mentioned it. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with letting this kind of crime slide because, you know, football and the victim’s history, which should not matter.
I was not aware of his race until you mentioned it. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with letting this kind of crime slide because, you know, football and the victim’s history, which should not matter.
Contextually, in Florida, it is statutory rape.
Setting aside the sheer inanity of that comment, at no point has Gawker proclaimed itself the holy scions of the First Amendment as do the cable news people.
Fuck Facebook and this repeated lie of “getting to it as soon as we became aware.” They waited until the clicks to the photo slowed down.
Most zoos are publicly funded. The money you are talking about is separate.
Quoting Kuamil Nanjiani:
At some point in the future, when everyone is through casting about for a villain in this sad situation (the mother, the zookeeper, the enclosure) I believe it is time we really considered doing away with zoos in their entirety.
“...this school sounds like a group of pretentious pricks trying to run their student’s lives.”
Well, the Republican nominee is one seriously revolting man.
Ah. No worries. Your comment is quite valid and accurate.
I made no such comparison. I was making reference to statements by CNN head Jeff Zucker and CBS head Les Moonves who proudly boasted that covering all things Trump was good for ratings and profits.
Thank you, jinni, for showing me this Twitter account. I already love it.
I’m thinking earthquakes.
Why not permanently put them in Greece? Solves two problems. It gives the games a permanent home and puts an end to the mess they leave in city after city, and it creates a genuine economic engine for Greece that will be sustainable. The permanent venue would become the permanent training facility in off years.
Thank you. I appreciate yours as well.
He plead guilty to “cruelty to a child.” He knew. Or, at least he admitted that he knew. Sex with a minor in this state is statutory rape since she is not old enough to consent. It really is that simple.
She was underage. He knew that. In Florida, that is rape. More than one person participated. That is gang. He took video of it and showed it to people. That is lack of remorse.
Really? Those are serious felonies revolving around a gang rape. It makes absolute sense to have him held in a juvenile facility without bail. After 21 days, this person is back on the streets. I am not at all good with that.
I cannot wait for the Kardashian Shelfies. I can see it now.
During this campaign, there have been multiple instances of ignoring a speech by another candidate in favor of either an empty Trump podium or watching his plane land.