
“William Scott, 16, was arrested on Saturday and has pleaded not guilty to two felony charges of cruelty to a child, reportedly for allowing the girl to engage in a sex act, and “possession of obscene material,” for keeping footage of the incident on his phone. The News-Press reports that Scott was ordered to serve 21


At the end of the day, cable news is about ratings and ad sales and little else. It most assuredly is not about journalism.

As a native Floridiot let me be the first to say, “You’re Welcome America!”

I agree that the authorities at the zoo made the correct - and very difficult - decision at the time. It cannot have been an easy call for any zoo director. They love their animals and weep every time one dies.

Thank you for the background and honesty. I am sure it was not least to type those truths about your home into the comments.

He is whoever the checkbook wants him to be.

I give him 100 points for the relative honesty, but deduct 25,000 points for saying it in the first place.

Yet another redundant law that as thoroughly unneeded. Every state has a law making it a separate and more severe crime to attack injure of kill a police officer. Most states added firefighters and rescue workers to those laws.

Rub one out and steam the wrinkles out of the duvet cover at the same time?

At this point in actual time, today, I can easily say, screw the Senate GOP and their endless obstruction and excuses. Now the Senator from the Theocracy of Utah travels forward in time to write a draft editorial excusing that pointless obstruction of a nominee they actually requested.

Becuase this is the first time he has been required to provide a sworn affidavit.

Baez wrote, “I further unequivocally and categorically deny having any sexual relationship with Ms. Anthony whatsoever.”

We should be nervous. Everyone wrote the giant talking mound of discarded traffic cones off as a serious candidate - even when he started winning primaries he should have lost. Everyone assumed that the violence at the rallies would do it. Or the steaks, Or the taxes. Or wanting to boink his daughter. And, as nothing

OMFG! I have no words. None, except thank goodness you are around to tell about it.

I am so sorry your sister has to live under the grinding heel of these bible thumping self-righteous power junkies. Hers is one of the real women stories that never get told when this crap starts up. We hear all about the “unborn,” bet never once about the actually born and starving.

So this is the new game with the anti-women’s rights crowd? They are going to incrementally one up each other on slowly eroding the right to choose.

