Isn’t this the same candidate that saw selling an overpriced guacamole bowl as Hispanic outreach? I know he never called it that directly, but really?
Isn’t this the same candidate that saw selling an overpriced guacamole bowl as Hispanic outreach? I know he never called it that directly, but really?
There is a good reason clean water is a federal and not a state issue. Water sources are almost all interstate and support more than one state at a time. Allowing the states to set their own standards all but guarantees, conflicting rules for common water sources and the inevitable decline of water quality.
“As for his Senate record, well the asshole hasn’t had an update to his Senate News site since Nov 2015 and hasn’t posted to his Senate blog since March, so just what the fuck is he doing for Texans?”
Not really. The Little Sisters to the Poor are dong the bidding of Bill Donohue and the racist, misogynistic Catholic League, which has funded the lawsuits. Remember, they actually agreed t the original agreement to opt out, but then were told that signing the form would be a sin, or whatever lies Donohue tells.
Ah, Ted. You cannot help but lie. “The best team ever put together in politics,” would not have lost and certainly not so humiliatingly badly to a talking rotted cantaloupe slice with cat hair glued to the top.
Breitbart, Kristol and Horowitz are such a shonda. Because we are all racing to support the party that spouts “Christian Values” and “Chrisitan Nation” as fast as we can not.
“You know how tabloids like claiming Tom Cruise hasn’t seen his daughter Suriin years? Well, Radar Online is reporting that he refuses to spend time with the 10-year-old because she’s being controlled by “evil spirits.”
In my experience, Susan Sarandon says precisely what Susan Sarandon thinks - knowing, but never fearing the consequence. I really respect that.
These are the same people that have no fucks to give or even share about Roman Polanski either.
OK. I do see what you mean, but I think it will have the opposite effect. It removes the health argument from the anti-everything crowd.
I agree with you on that. Not all dancers are prostitutes and I am certainly not shaming them at all. It removes the excuse for the license, generates real statistics to combat the lies about dancers and - is some cases - may catch an STD early.
Well, pinch me to see if I am actually awake! A big pharma company does something good for humanity that is not self-serving or profitable.
As much as I love my Kindle, some books - like Amy Poehler’s - deserve to be purchased as an actual book and left on the coffee table for all to see and want to read.
As much as I love my Kindle, some books - like Amy Poehler’s - deserve to be purchased as an actual book and left on…
I agree that it is illegal in most places, but it makes sense to me to fold dancers into the rest of the adult industry’s testing rules to eliminate the issue. Also, just because a thing is illegal does not mean it does not happen.
Because jebesus.
But the people that make these decisions go by their 2000 year old book of myths and legends. They will tell you that the dancer is a harlot and should be banned, let alone licensed. The licensing schemes for dancers has nothing to do with public safety, but more to do with trying to discourage them and eliminate the…
And we are damned proud of that!
I tend to think that “social conservatives,” (read that bigots) need to be able to discriminate against someone for no good reason. As each of their pointless prejudices is knocked down, they just move on to the next group.
Agreed, but the Crusade to Protect the Sanctity of America’s Public Restrooms™ is not going away anytime soon and the administration has to push back.